College of Liberal Arts
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PhD 1976-2000

December 2000
Patricia Casey Sutcliffe
Friedrich Max Müller and William Dwight Whitney as Exporters of Nineteenth-Century German Philology: A Sociological Analysis of the Development of Linguistic Theory
Drs. Mark Southern and Robert D. King
August 2000
Thomas Bosch
From Ruins to Rock 'n Roll: Images of Male Youths and Constructions of Masculinity in West German Cultural Production, 1945-1961
Drs. Nina Berman and Kirsten Belgum
Caroline Huey
Hans Folz and the Creation of Popular Discourse
Drs. Lynn R. Wilkinson and David Price
May 2000
Brent Matthew Adamson
Naturalistic Versus Formal Foreign Language Learning: An Analysis of Upper-Division German Students' Oral Proficiency in Nominal Inflection and Word Order
Drs. Frank Donahue and Mark Louden
Christa Gaug
Situating the City: The Textual and Spatial Construction of Late-Nineteenth-Century Berlin and Vienna in City Texts by Theodor Fontane and Daniel Spitzer
Dr. Katherine Arens
Best Dissertation, 2001: competition held at the Center for Austrian Studies (U. of Minnesota) for the Austrian Cultural Forum, New York
December 1999
John Robert Jerome Eyck
The Tragedy of Sentimentalism and Politics in Enlightenment Europe
Dr. Katherine Arens
Valentina N. Glajar
Communism, National Socialism, Imperialism: East Central Europe In German-Language Literature Herta Müller, Erica Pedretti, Gregor von Rezzori
Drs. Peter Jelavich and Nina Berman
Grit Liebscher
Arriving at Identities: Voice and Positioning in German Talk Shows between 1989 and 1994
Drs. Kirsten Belgum and Jürgen Streeck
August 1999
Louise Stoehr
The Effects of Built-In Comprehension Aids in a Call Program on Student-Readers' Understanding of a Foreign Language Literary Text
Dr. Frank Donahue
Joseph Sullivan
Counsel in Middle High German Arthurian Romance
Dr. Hubert Heinen
May 1999
Ti5mothy John Tarek Altanero de la Santisima Metafora
Power Indexation in Language Choice in a South African Indian Community
Dr. Mark Louden
Carmen Masoomeh Taleghani-Nikazm
Politeness in Native-Nonnative Speakers' Interaction: Some Manifestations of Persian Taarof in the Interaction Among Iranian Speakers of German with German Native Speakers.
Dr. Jürgen Streeck and Dr. Mark Louden
Kerstin Evelyn Somerholter
Language Contact and Shift in the Soviet German Speech Community
Dr. Robert D. King and Dr. Mark L. Louden
Hiram Hamilton Maxim
The Effects of Extensive Authentic Reading on First-Semester German Students' Reading Comprehension, Cultural Horizon, and Language Proficiency
Dr. Janet Swaffar
ACTFL-MLJ Emma Marie Birkmaier Award for Doctoral Dissertation Research in Foreign Language Education: 2000
(American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages / Modern Language Journal)
August 1998
Kirsten Marie Christensen
In the Beguine Was the Word: Mysticism and Catholic Reformation in the Devotional Literature of Maria van Hout (d. 1547)
Dr. David Price
December 1997
Ewa Siwak
Rewriting Woman's Discourse Across Cultures: Reception and Translation of Ingeborg Bachmann's Prose in Poland and in the United States
Dr. Kirsten L. Belgum
December 1997
Stanley Burr Taylor
A Man Ahead of His Time: Reception of the English-Language Translations of the Plays of Georg Büchner
Dr. Katherine Arens

Uwe Moeller
A Place in the Sun: The Image of the Black in German Realism and the Colonial Novel
Drs. Kirsten Belgum and John Hoberman
August 1997
Kenneth Earl Todd
Representations of Speaking In Thirteenth-Century German Courtly Narratives: An Ethnographic Approach to Linguistic Reconstruction
Dr. Hubert P. Heinen
Andrea Vlatten
Quotatives, Reported Speech, and Constructed Dialogue in Everyday German Conversation: A Conversation Analytic Perspective
Drs. Maria M. Egbert and Jürgen Streeck
May 1997
Glenn Levine
First Language Attrition and Incomplete First Language Acquisition of Yiddish: A Unified Model of Language Loss in the Immigrant Situation
Drs. Robert D. King and S. Keith Walters
December 1996
Martin Humpal
The Roots of Modernist Narrative: Knut Hamsun's Novels Hunger, Mysteries, and Pan
Drs. John M. Hoberman and Lynn R. Wilkinson
August 1995
Alene Moyer
Ultimate Attainment in Second Language Phonological Acquisition: Evidence From Adult Learners of German
Dr. Frank E. Donahue
May 1995
Franz Bokel
"Great Days" in Germany: Third Reich Celebrities as Mediators Between Government and People
Dr. Katherine Arens
Glenn Ellis Ehrstine
From Iconoclasm to Iconography: Reformation Drama in Sixteenth-Century Bern
Dr. David E. Price
May 1994
James Frederick Ehrman
Translation, World View, and Time: Rewriting Organic Science in Translation
Drs. André A. Lefevere and Peter Hess
December 1993
Mark Grünert
Die Poesie des Übergangs: Hölderlins späte Dichtung im Horizont von Friedrich Schlegels Konzept der "Transzendentalpoesie"
Dr. Walter D. Wetzels
June 1993
David Brenner
Promoting the Ostjuden: Ethnic Identity, Stereotyping, and Audience in the German-Jewish Cultural Review Ost und West (Berlin, 1901-1923)
Drs. Janet Swaffar and John M. Hoberman
December 1992
Sabine Cramer
Patterns of Power: The Secondary Figures of Theodor Fontane and Henry James
Dr. André A. Lefevere
Hildegard Glass
Future Cities: Responses to the Urban Challenge in German Utopian Literature (1871-1914)
Drs. André A. Lefevere and Dagmar Barnouw
August 1992
Peter Kästner
A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Student Motivation to Continue Foreign Language Studies Beyond the Language Requirement
Dr. Frank E. Donahue
Frederick Ward Schwink
Linguistic Typology and the Reconstruction of Proto-Languages: A Study in Methodology
Dr. Edgar Polomé
Eileen M. Wilkinson
Reception as Representation: The Multiple Mirrors of Anna Seghers' Works
Dr. Janet Swaffar
May 1992
Monika Maria T. Chavez
Cognitive Constraints on the Accuracy of Verbal Inflections and Word Order in German as a Foreign Language
Drs. Frank E. Donahue and Mark L. Louden
December 1991
Julia Bonner Bellquist
Ecological Etymology: The History of the Germanic Carnivore Names in their Archaeological, Ecological, and Linguistic Setting
Dr. Edgar Polomé
May 1991
Annie Adams Baade
Melchior Goldast von Heiminsfeld: Collector, Commentator and Editor
Dr. André Lefevere
Hanna Schuster Fields
Mythologie und Dialektik in Ilse Aichingers Die grössere Hoffnung (written in German)
Dr. Hans-Bernhard Moeller
Gigja Gisladottir
Kierkegaard Contra Hegel: Either/Or, A Caricatured Facsimile of The Phenomenology of Mind
Dr. Janet Swaffar
Dieter Wältermann
Effects of Discrete Vocabulary Knowledge on Reading Comprehension of Authentic Texts
Dr. Janet Swaffar
Bernd Klaus Conrad
The Relationship between Empathy and Pronunciation Ability: A Study of Elementary Level College Students of German as a Foreign Language
Dr. Frank Donahue
December 1990
Margaret H. Brown
The Reception of Spanish American Novels in West Germany During the 1980's: A Study of Best Sellers
Dr. Hans-Bernhard Moeller
Alexander Mathäs
Rezeption und Ideologie: Martin Walers Narrative Prosa in der BRD und DDR (written in German)
Dr. Janet Swaffar
August 1990
Dennis Edward Brain
From Religious Pessimism to Anthrological Skepticism: An Investigation into the Religious, Philosophical, and Historical Context of J.K. Wezel's Robinson Krusoe
Dr. Walter D. Wetzels
Marilya Veteto-Conrad
Finding A Voice: Identity and the Works of German-Language Turkish Writers In The Federal Republic of Germany and Berlin (West)
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
May 1990
AnnDee Johnson
Heinrich Heine in Histories of German Literature 1856-1945: A Case of Image-Building
Dr. André A. Lefevere
Barbara R. Vö­lkel
Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl Philipp Moritz: Outsiders of Enlightenment (written in German)
Dr. Walter D. Wetzels
August 1989
Stephanie Dee Ortega
The Model for a Participant Reading of Contemporary Autobiographical Literature: Object-Relations in Christa Wolf's Kindheitsmuster
Drs. Barbara Becker-Cantarino and A. Leslie Willson
May 1989
Maria Luise Beck
Theories of Cognitive Organization, the Acquisition of Grammatical Competence and Foreign Language Teaching Methodologies
Dr. Janet K. Swaffar
Harald A. Becker
Dekadenzerscheinungen in der Preussischen Gesellschaft im Spätwerk Theodor Fontanes (written in German)
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
Rachel J. Halverson
Historiography and Fiction: Siegfried Lenz and the "Historikerstreit"
Drs. Dagmar Barnouw and André Lefevere
Susan Wells Howard
Die Gewalt der Geschichte: The Role of Historical Consciousness as a Model of Intelligibility in Selected Stories of Heinrich von Kleist
Drs. A. Leslie Willson and Leonard Schulze
Linda Moehle-Vieregge
Jugendsprache 1979-1985: A Definitive, Descriptive and Derivational Analysis of a German Sociolect
Dr. Edgar C. Polomé
Ingo R. Stoehr
Familial Allegiances: Transitions and Contexts of the German Novel
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
December 1986
Judith Hannings Cox
The Female Adolescent in East German Literature
Dr. Hans-Bernhard Moeller
Lynn Eubank
Formal Models of Language Learning and the Acquisition of German Word Order and Negation by Primary and Non-Primary Language Learners
Drs. Robert Bley-Vroman and Robert D. King
August 1986
Ghislaine Kozuh
Using a Delphi Factorial Experiment to Derive an Experiential Model of the Adult Foreign Language Learner in Germanic Languages
Dr. Frank E. Donahue
May 1986
Jacqueline Vansant
Feminism and Austrian Women Writers of the Second Republic
Dr. Barbara Becker-Cantarino
December 1985
Katherine Sue Morris
Early Medieval Witchcraft: Characteristics of the Feminine Witch Figure
Dr. Edgar C. Polomé
Thomas Hale Leech
Approaches to Narrative in German: The Critical Theories of Ernst Hirt, Robert Petsch, Eberhard Lämmert, and Franz Stanzel
Dr. Hubert P. Heinen
Gerhild Brüggemann Rogers
Themenkreise und Erzählperspektiven im Romanwerk von Ingeborg Drewitz
Dr. Barbara Becker-Cantarino
December 1984
Joseph Curtis Salmons
The Extent of Language Contact Change: A Study in Early Germanic and Celtic
Dr. Edgar C. Polomé
David John Ward
Postwar Germany Distilled: A Translation and an Assessment of Wolfgang Koeppen's Tauben im Gras/Pigeons on the Grass
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
May 1984
Stephen Edred Flowers
Runes and Magic: Magical Formulaic Elements in the Elder Runic Tradition
Dr. Edgar C. Polomé
Antonio Mendez III
Eichendorff and Spain: Some Affinities
Dr. Barbara Becker-Cantarino
Eric Lawrence Santner
The Poetry of Shards: Paratactic Composition in the Later Poems of Friedrich Hölderlin
Drs. J. Christopher Middleton and Leonard Schulze
Ruth Marie Walker-Moskop
Health and Cosmic Continuity in Hildegard of Bingen
Dr. Edgar Polomé
December 1983
John Stephen Pustejovsky
Religious Economy and Social Reality: Structural Responses to Suffering in Two 18th-Century Novels
Dr. Barbara Becker-Cantarino
Thomas Eldon Ryan
"Wenn die Stille kehret": Language and Silence in the Life and Work of Friedrich Hölderlin
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
August 1983
Susan Kristine Haugseth
The Development of the -S Genitive and "Genitive" Periphrasis in Norwegian
Dr. John M. Weinstock
August 1982
Suzanne Shipley Toliver
Exile and the Elemental in the Poetry of Erich Arendt
Dr. Hans-Bernhard Moeller
May 1982
Sandra Kay Olson
Aspects of Personality in Marriage: Connubiality in the Epic Works of Hartmann von Aue
Dr. Ralph R. Read
August 1981
Samuel Glynn McLellan
Structure of Scandinavian Drama in the Movement from Romanticism to Realism: Henrik Ibsen
Dr. John M. Weinstock
Nancy Anne McClure Zeller
Ulrich Becher: A Computer-Assisted Case Study of the Reception of an Exile
Dr. Hans-Bernhard Moeller
May 1981
Turid Bergljot Sverre
Mothers and Daughters as Portrayed by Norwegian Women Writers from 1854 to the Present
Dr. John M. Weinstock
Jutta Irene Van Selm
Wechselwirkungen zwischen Bild- und Textformen: Goethes Entwicklung zum Klassizismus
Dr. Walter D. Wetzels
December 1980
Don Steve Stephens
Regina Ullmann: Biography, Literary Reception, Interpretation
Dr. J. Christopher Middleton
August 1980
Robert Victor Smythe
Christoph Martin Wieland as Essayist
Dr. Walter D. Wetzels
May 1980
Andreas Kiryakakis
Autochthony and Self-Awareness: The Ideal of Heimat in the Works of Hermann Hesse
Dr. Ralph R. Read
Mary Susan Neff
Germanic Sacrifice: An Analytical Study Using Linguistic, Archaeological, and Literary Data
Linn Dale Johnk
Complementation in Old High German
Dr. Winfred P. Lehmann
May 1979
Brian La Mont Harris
Hugo Ball's Critique of the German Mind: A Translation with Introduction and Notes to Hugo Ball's Zur Kritik der deutschen Intelligenz
Dr. J. Christopher Middleton
John Ray Turman
The Influence of Mysticism and Idealist Philosophy on Early German Romantic Literature
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
December 1978
Winfried Scott Bennett, III
The Relative Construction in the Works of Notker III
Dr. Winfred P. Lehmann
Kenneth Wayne Egan
The Reception of Arno Schmidt Prior toZettels Traum
Dr. Hans-Bernhard Moeller
August 1978
Mark Allen Ritter
The Development of Urban Poetry in Germany Through Early Expressionism
Dr. Don C. Travis
May 1978
Werner Schröder
Die erste deutsche Gesamtausgabe des Terenz
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
December 1977
Frankie Belle Denton
Hamsun, Strindberg, Rilke: The Limits of the Naturalistic Narrative: A Study of Sult, Inferno and Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge
Dr. John M. Weinstock
May 1977
George Truett Cates, Jr.
Poetic Construction and Revision in Hölderlin, Trakl and Eliot
Dr. Winfred P. Lehmann
Paul Douglas Over
Some Regularities in the Syntax of Negation and Related Areas in Modern Danish
Dr. John M. Weinstock
December 1976
Barbara Sue McCord
Thomas Mann's Fiorenza: The Novelist as Playwright
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
August 1976
Meredith McClain
Hölderlin, Rhuthmos and Logos: A Study of the Structure and Meaning of Paradox
Dr. Hubert P. Heinen
May 1976
Susanne Kathleen Hirsch
Heinrich Böll's Female Trinity and the Restauration: Evolution of a Response
Dr. Ralph R. Read
Marlis Helene Mehra
Die Bedeutung der Formel "Offenbares Geheimnis" in Goethes Spätwerk
Dr. Helmut Rehder