College of Liberal Arts
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PhD 2001-

August 2024

Karoline Kiefel
The impact of oral communication strategy instruction on motivational dynamics of L2 learners of German in task-based interaction with interlocutors of different proficiency levels and L1 status
Dr. Nick Henry

Marisol Bayona Roman
Reprieve from Neoliberalism: Representations of Twenty-First-Century Capitalism in German Novels
Dr. Jette Gindner

August 2023

Matthias Warmuth
Phonological Convergence and Variation in a Dying Language Variety: The Case of Texas German
Dr. Hans Boas & Dr. Marc Pierce

May 2023

Sabine Waas
German Soccer Stars and the Politics of Media Representation: A Case Study on Ethnicity and Celebrity Culture
Dr. Sabine Hake

August 2022

Margo Blevins
The language-tagging & orthographic normalization of German-language contact varieties
Dr. Hans Boas

May 2021

Josch Lampe
The Marxisms of West Germany's "1968":Remaking a Public Critique through Literary Magazines
Dr. Katherine Arens 

August 2020

Matthew Sherman
From Mimesis to Memesis: Recontextualizing Representation in German Realism
Dr. Katherine Arens 

May 2020

Emily C. Krauter
Linguistic and Pragmatic Gains in Students Abroad versus Those at the Home University
Dr. Katherine Arens and Dr. Marc Pierce

December 2019

Matthew Owen Anderson
Bildung and Bilder? Text, Illustration, and Adventure in Popular German Children's Books of the Early Nineteeth Century
Dr. Kit Belgum

August 2019

Kristina Schoen
Gaining Literacy XP: Uncovering Semiotic Resources in a Digital Game and Exploring L2 Learner Gameplay as a Multiliteracy Practice
Dr. Katherine Arens 

May 2019

John Benjamin
Reading the German Graphic Novel: Understanding Learners’ Readings of Multimodal Literary Comics.
Dr. Katherine Arens and Dr. Per Urlaub

December 2018

Collin Brown
Conversion, Heresy, and Witchcraft: Theological Narratives in Scandinavian Missionary Writings.
Dr. Marc Pierce

May 2018

Alexander Lorenz
Beliefs about grammar instruction among post-secondary second-language learners and teachers
Dr. Hans Boas and Dr. Per Urlaub

December 2017

Katrin Fuchs
Language History as a History of Diversity: A Study of Language History from Below New High German
Dr. Marc Pierce

August 2017

Jason Roberts
Transformations of "Purity" in Christian Discourses of Demon Compulsion through the Sixteenth Century
Dr. Katherine Arens 

Matthias Fingerhuth
Grammatical Variation in Standard German, 1900-1999: A Contrastive Corpus-Linguistic Study of Germany and Switzerland
Dr. Marc Pierce

Roy Casagranda
Colonization of the Normative Realm in the Age of Instrumentality
Dr. Katherine Arens 

May 2017

Annika VanNoy
Culture Specific Aspects of Semantic Frams in Multilingual Frame Descriptions
Dr. Hans Boas 

December 2016

Jessica Plummer
Selling Fiction: the German Colportage Novel 1871-1914
Dr. Kirsten L. Belgum

August 2016

Cindy Walter-Gensler
Ideologies of Motherhood: Literary Imaginaries and Public Discourse
Dr. Katherine Arens and Dr. Janet Swaffar

May 2016

David Hunlich
The Roots of 'Multiethnolects': Effects of Migration on the Lexicon and Speech of German-Speaking School Children
Dr. Hans Boas 

Ryan Dux
A Usage-Based Approach to Verb Clauses in English and German
Dr. Hans Boas

Holly Renee Brining
Spouses, Lovers, and Other Strangers: Men, Women, and Relationships in the Works of Rafik Schami
Dr. Kirsten L. Belgum

May 2015
Maggie Gemmell
Semantic Role Alignment in Metaphor: A Frame Semantic Approach to Metaphoric Meaning
Dr. Hans Boas
Amanda Ziemba Randall
Translating the Dicipline: On the Institutional Memory of German Vokskunde, 1945 to Present
Dr. Katherine Arens
December 2014
Karin Maxey
Literacy Development and Intercultural Learning: Using Reading Journals in Collegiate Beginning-level German Instruction
Dr. Cori Crane
December 2013
Angela Ferguson
Women's Writing and Writing Women in the Seventeenth Century: An Examination of the Works of Sibylle Schwartz and Susanne Elisabeth Zeidler
Dr. Peter Hess
May 2013
Anja Moehring
Argument Marking with Prepositions in German: A Constructional Approach to auf ('on')
Dr. Hans Boas
August 2012
Bradley Boovy
Men Reading Men: Homophile Magazines in 1950s West Germany
Dr. Sabine Hake
Jason Williamson
Mutable Terrorism: Gerhard Richter, Hans-Peter Feldmann, and the Cultural Memory of Germany's Red Army Faction
Dr. Pascale Bos
May 2012
Rob Kohn
The Language of Uncertainly in W.G. Gebald's Novels
Dr. Pascale Bos
December 2011
Guido Halder
A Frame-Semantic Approach to Selectional Restrictions in German Support Verb Constructions: The Case of [In X Geraten]
Dr. Hans Boas
May 2011
Judith Atzler
Twist In The List: Fram Semantics As Vocabulary Teaching and Learning Tool 
Dr. Zsuzsanna Abrams

Berna Gueneli
Challenging European borders: Faith Akin's Filmic Visions Of Europe
Dr. Sabine Hake

Jan Uelzmann
Bonn, the Transitional Capital and its Founding Discourses, 1948-1963
Dr. Sabine Hake and Dr. Philip Broadbent

Vince Vanderheijden
Intercultural Communicative Competence: Assessing Outcomes of an Undergraduate German Language Program
Dr. Zsuzsanna Abrams
December 2010
James Kearney
Friedrichsburg by Friedrich Armand Strubberg: Translated and Annotated by James C. Kearney
Dr. Janey Swaffar and Dr. Hans Boas
August 2010
Carla Ghanem
Exploring Identities Among Graduate Instructors of German: Instructor's Beliefs About Teaching Language and Culture
Dr. Zsuszanna Abrams
December 2009
Karen A. Roesch
Texas Alsatian: Henri Castro's Legacy
Dr. Hans Boas
August 2009
Jennifer Marie Powers
Re-Appropriating the Catholic Imaginary: Discourse Strategies and the Struggle for Modernization in Late Nineteenth-Century Religious Fiction
Dr. Katherine Arens and Dr. James M. Boyden (ad hoc PhD Program)
August 2008
Judith Hammer
Culture via Television: Investigating the Effects of a German Television Serial on the Perceptions of Fourth-Semester German Language Classes
Dr. Jantet Swaffar and Dr. Katherine Arens
Kari Lie
Virtual Communication: An Investigation of Foreign Language Interaction in a Distance Education Course in Norwegian
Dr. Zsuzsanna Abrams
May 2008
Lee Holt
Mountains, Mountaineering and Modernity: A Cultural History of German and Austrian Mountaineering, 1900-1945
Dr. Sabine Hake and Dr. David Crew

Martin Kley
All Work and No Play? Labor, Literature and Industrial Modernity on the Weimar Left
Dr. Sabine Hake
May 2007
Jayson Galler
Logic and Argumentation in the Book of Concord
Dr. Robert Koons and Dr. Susanne Hafner (ad hoc PhD Program)

Daniela Richter
"Die Sanfte Bitte:" Women's Writing on Female Gender Roles in Nineteenth-Century Germany
Dr. Kirsten L. Belgum
December 2006
Sabastian Heiduschke
The Afterlife of DEFA: Characteristics, Traditions, and Cultural Legacy of the Deutsche Film-Aktiengeselleschaft after German Unification
Dr. Kirsten L. Belgum
August 2006
Jiorn Freitag
Defeated Heroes: Constructions of Masculinity in Weimar Republic Battlefield Novels
Dr. Katherine Arens
Heiko Wiggers
Reevaluating Diglossia: Data from Low German
Dr. Hans Boas
May 2006
Ann Keller- Lally
Effect of Task-Type and Group Size on Foreign Language Learner Output in Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication
Dr. Zsuzsanna Abrams
December 2005
Matthew Michael Conner
Preparing Student for the Upper-Division Literature/Culture Classroom: A Multiple Literacies Approach
Dr. Katherine Arens and Dr. Janet Swaffar

Jennifer Van Hyning
Narrating the Self: Realism in the Works of Theodor Fontane and Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach
Dr. Kirsten L. Belgum
December 1991
Julia Bonner Bellquist
Ecological Etymology: The History of the Germanic Carnivore Names in their Archaeological, Ecological, and Linguistic Setting
Dr. Edgar Polomé
May 2005
Elena-Maria Chandler
Trauma as a Narrative Of the Sublime: The Semiotics of Silence 
Dr. Peter Hess
Vera Middelkamp
"Wir Haben die Firma gewechselt, aber der Laden ist der alte geblieben": Kurt Tucholsky and the Medialized Public Sphere of the Weimar Republic (1918-1933)
Dr. Kirsten L. Belgum
Tina Oestreich
Exploring the Use of Anchored Instruction in Intermediate Level German Foreign Language Eduacation
Dr. Zsuzsanna Abrams
December 2004
Cecilia Pick
Rhetoric of the Author Presentation: The Case of maira Sibylla Merian 
Dr. Peter Hess
Harry Louis Roddy, Jr.
Germany's Poetic Miscreants on the Road: From Beat Poetics to Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, Nicolas Born and Jurgen Theobaldy
Dr. Janet Swaffar
May 2004
Stefanie Christine Borst
Context and Comprehension: A Cross Cultural Comparison of Germans and Americans Reading Authentic Texts
Dr. Janet Swaffar
Ivan Eidt
Deus Absconditus: Gnosticism, the Secularization Process, and Philosophical Modernity in the Works of Rainer Maria Rilke
Dr. Lars Gustafsson and Dr. Kirsten L. Belgum

Agnieszka Barbara Nance
Nation Without a State: Imagining Poland in the Nineteenth Century
Dr. Katherine Arens
December 2003
David Randolph Franklin James
The Second Generation: Language Use among Migrants in Berlin
Dr. Hans Boas
John Mark Stewart
The Fundamental Difference Between Child and Adult Language Acquisition: A Longitudinal, Naturalistic Study of Parameter Resetting in Swedish Interlanguage
Dr. Mark Southern
August 2003
Jennifer Elizabeth Roberts
Examinging the Cohesion of the Four-Year German Language Program: A Case Study of the University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Frank Donahue and Zsuzsanna Abrams

Douglas Peter A. Simms
Reconstructing an Oral Tradition: Problems in the Comparative Metrical Analysis of Old English, Old Saxon and Old Norse Alliterative Verse
Dr. Mark Southern
May 2003
Laura Ducate
Culture, Communication, Community: Co-Constructing Knowledge and Cultural Images Through Computer-Mediated Communication
Drs. Frank Donahue and Zsuzsanna Abrams
Lisa Seidlitz
Functions of Code-Switching in Classes of German as a Foreign Language
Dr. Mark Southern
December 2002
Lucinda Martin
Women's Religious Speech and Activism in German Pietism
Dr. Katherine Arens 

*Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2003, Graduate School, University of Texas at Austin; Finalist, Council of Graduate Studies National Dissertation Award 

August 2002
Perry Wayne Myers, Jr.
The Double-Edged Sword: The Cult of Bildung in Fin-de-diecle Germany
Dr. Katherine Arens

Marion Nike Arnold
Computer-Mediated Communication: Writing to Speak Without Foreign Language Anxiety?
Dr. Zsuzsanna Abrams
May 2001
Erika Martina Nelson
Reading and Re-Presenting Rilke: Orphic Identity and Poetic Invention
Drs. Katherine Arens and Hubert Heinen