College of Liberal Arts
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College of Liberal Arts

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Spoken by over 120 million people around the globe, German has the largest community of speakers in Europe. It is a national language in Austria, Germany, Lichtenstein, Luxemburg, and Switzerland and is increasingly important in Eastern Europe. German belongs to the same family of languages as English and has many related words.

Learning German can open many career opportunities for you. Germany is a political leader in Europe. It has the largest economy in the European Union and the third-highest GNP in the world, is the second highest creditor nation, and is one of the top three exporting countries. Germany is also on the cutting edge of many new technologies including the biotech field. And the language gives you access to a rich history in science, technology, philosophy, and the arts, in the works of intellectual icons such as Einstein, Gutenberg, Hertz, Fahrenheit, Hegel, Nietzsche, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Goethe, Thomas Mann, and Kafka.

The UT German program offers an intensive 2-semester sequence (GER 604 in fall and GER 612 in spring) or a 3-semester sequence (GER 506, GER 507, & GER 612) for intermediate proficiency before advancing into upper-division coursework for a major or certificate. Thanks to new endowments, the German program has generous students scholarships and offers study abroad opportunities in all fields. A major or double-major in German is an excellent way to prepare for your future.

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