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The Swedish program combines language studies with cultural competence. From beginner’s level to intermediate, Swedish classes are small and allow for personable interactions between fellow classmates and the instructor. Language courses in Swedish are accelerated and fulfill the two-year foreign language requirement in one year.
First-year Accelerated Swedish (SWE 604)
This course is an introduction to written and spoken Swedish with an emphasis on active communication. This first semester course covers the basics of Swedish grammar and vocabulary. However, the course will also cover important aspects of Swedish culture, including music, literature, traditions, society and values, and geography.
Second-year Accelerated Swedish (SWE 612)
This second semester course will build on the language skills of first semester in greater depth and complexity. Students will also broaden their knowledge on cultural topics, both historical and contemporary, through a wide variety of materials, such as newspaper articles, songs, literary texts, comics, and films.

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Why should you learn Swedish?
The real question is, “WHY NOT?”
- small class sizes
- get to know classmates personally
- connect with others through Swedish Club
- award-winning instructor
- Smyth Johansson, 2020 Texas Foreign Language Teaching Excellence Award
- study a language easy for English speakers
- Here are some words you’ll recognize immediately!
natur (nature); demokrati (democracy); sitta (to sit); våffel (waffle)
- Here are some words you’ll recognize immediately!
- fulfill your 2-year language credit in one year
- live abroad and expand your horizons
- access to some phenomenal study abroad programs
- the Swedish Excellence Endowment supports study and research opportunities in Sweden
- be more qualified for job opportunities
- strong economic ties between Sweden and USA
- work for Swedish companies in a broad range of sectors: transportation (Volvo), construction (Skanska), telecommunications (Ericsson), pharmaceuticals (AstraZeneca), fashion (H&M), home appliances (Electrolux), furniture and decoration (IKEA), food industry (Oatly), and tech (Spotify & Skype)
- discover your roots
- between 1850 and 1930, 1.3 million Swedes left Sweden for America.
- strong Swedish-Texan heritage: Swedes were more numerous in Texas than any other southern state.
- Texas-Posten, the longest-surviving Swedish-Texan newspaper, was published in Austin from 1896 to 1982.
- reap brain benefits
- learn to think more abstractly
- build open mindset
- grow in a challenging, positive, and supportive learning environment
There are lots of ways to get involved!
Swedish Club
The Swedish Club provides a setting in which those interested can get to know their classmates on a more personal basis while practicing Swedish. Students enrolled in the Swedish course are encouraged to meet on their own outside of class for fika (the Swedish word for ‘coffee + conversation’). In addition, the Club provides events, such as film screenings and general meetings, for students to meet and talk with other UT students, including those who have previously taken Swedish and those who are interested in learning Swedish in the future.
The Nordic Café
Each Spring semester, together with the Norwegian and Danish language classes, the current Swedish class hosts the Nordic Café. This beloved annual event is a display of creativity and camaraderie, as our language students share a meal while showcasing their video projects on Scandinavian culture. The event is opened to all and is a casual informational event in which everyone can learn about these three Nordic countries, as well as get more information about our language classes.
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