College of Liberal Arts
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Honors Program

Graduating with special honors in German or Scandinavian Studies is a two-semester process, involving intensive work with a faculty member of the student's choice and culminating in the preparation of an honors thesis.  Students should apply for admission to the departmental honors program during the first semester of their second year, but applications will be accepted up to the beginning of their fourth year.
In order for students to graduate with special honors, they must complete the following requirements:

  • GER 679HA (Honors Tutorial Course) with a grade of at least A-;
  • GER 679HB (Honors Tutorial Course) including an honors paper judged "Acceptable for Honors in German or Scandinavian Studies" with a grade of at least A-;
  • a University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in German or Scandinavian Studies of at least 3.50;
  • completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of course work counted toward the degree.

For more information contact Honors Advisor Dr. Marc Pierce.

Visit the Liberal Arts Honors Programs website for further information.