College of Liberal Arts
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Gary Freeman

Prof. Freeman specializes in the politics of immigration, comparative social policy, and politics in western democracies. He is currently editing a Handbook on Migration and Social Policy (Elgar, 2016). He has published four books, Immigrant Labor and Racial Conflict in Industrial Societies (1979), Nations of Immigrants: Australia, the United States, and International Migration (1992)(edited with James Jupp), Immigration and Security (2009)(edited with Terri Givens, and David Leal), Immigration and Public Opinion (2013)(edited with Randall Hansen and David Leal). He is the author most recently of “Comparative Analysis of Immigration Politics: A Retrospective.” American Behavioral Scientist, “Can Comprehensive Immigration Policy be both Liberal and Democratic?” Society, “Immigration, Diversity, and Welfare Chauvinism.” Forum (2009), “Pointless: On the Failure to Adopt an Immigration Points System in the United States,” (Gary P. Freeman, David Leal, and Jake Onyett) in Phil Triadafilopoulos, ed., Wanted and Welcome? Policies for Highly Skilled Immigrants in Comparative Perspective (2013), “Migration and the Political Economy of the Welfare State: Thirty Years Later.” In Grete Brochmann and Elena Jurado, eds. Europe’s Immigration Challenge: Reconciling Work, Welfare and Mobility (2013). “Interest Group Politics and Immigration Policy.” (Gary P. Freeman and Stuart M. Tendler). In Daniel Tichenor and Marc Rosenblum, eds. Oxford Handbook on the Politics of International Migration (2012).