College of Liberal Arts
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Pi Sigma Alpha

Pi Sigma Alpha (PSA) is the University's National Political Science Honor's Society. It was founded in 1920 at the University of Texas at Austin for the purpose of bringing together students and faculty interested in the study of government and politics. 

As a national honors society (with headquarters located in Washington D.C.), PSA seeks to promote excellence in the study of political science through a variety of programs, some of direct benefit to student members and local chapters and others benefitting more generally the profession of political science. These programs provide awards, scholarships, lecture funding, and other benefits for members, chapters, and political scientists and political science programs. In addition, PSA has proven to be a wonderful way to meet and network with both students and faculty. PSA members are eligible to receive certificates of membership as well as chords and medallions to be worn during graduation ceremonies.


Pi Sigma Alpha Eligibility and Requirements

  • Given that PSA is a true honors society, students are eligible to join provided they meet the following requirements:
  • Government GPA of at least 3.25
  • Overall UT GPA of at least 3.00
  • Completion of at least 60 total hours
  • Completion of at least 12 hours in Government, 6 of which must be upper-division
  • PSA also requires a one-time dues payment for new members of $35. This money is used to pay nationals and fund the new member induction ceremony and other special events.