College of Liberal Arts
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Students from any University of Texas at Austin college are eligible to apply—you do NOT need to be a history major or know a foreign language.

The NSP is divided into two segments:

Part I—14 weeks of instruction on the university campus offered each spring semester focusing on the origins and history of WW II with guest lectures, films, and excursions
Part II—Three and a half week tour of WW II-related sites in Europe: London, Normandy, Paris, Berlin
and Warsaw
Participation in all scheduled events—both in Austin and Europe—is a program requirement.

Application deadline is Monday, October 7, 2024.

  • Minimum GPA of 3.25
  • A 250-500 word, typed essay on the question: "Why is it important to you to be a Normandy Scholar?"
  • Describe yourself in five sentences
  • Two letters of recommendation from college/university faculty, preferably from The University of Texas

There is NO foreign language requirement.

HIS 350L - France in the Dark Years: Prof. Judith Coffin
HIS 376G - Hitler, Nazism, and World War II, 1919-1945: Prof. Tracie Matysik
HIS 376F - The United States and the Second World War: Prof. Aaron O’Connell
HIS 350L - Stalin’s Russia at War: Prof. Charters Wynn
HIS 350L - Poland and the Second World War: Prof. Tatjana Lichtenstein

All of the NSP professors have received UT teaching awards.

  • $2,500 program fee that covers lodging, ground transportation and other program costs in Europe
  • Airline tickets
  • $110 Passport fee (passport book)
  • $25 International Student Identification Card (ISIC)–Required
  • $700 Food and entertainment funds
  • Tuition and fees for all university courses, including assigned books

Scholarship funds will be made available from the program. Although the budget has not been set for next year, in the past the NSP has provided each student who applies for financial aid with a minimum of $1000 in stipends to help cover the costs of the program. Some students have received much more.

Please see your financial aid counselor at the Office of Student Financial Aid for more information on financial aid. There is also the Global A$$ist online scholarship application website from the Study Abroad Office.

For more information email Dr. Charters Wynn, Normandy Scholar Program Director,

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This program would not be possible without the generous support from:

  • College of Liberal Arts
  • Frank Denius Normandy Scholars Endowment
  • Derek Jon Schaver Memorial Scholarship
  • Thad W. Riker Scholarship in History
  • America's Turning Point Endowment