Raquel Burgett

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Why the Humanities program?
It really just made sense. At no point in my time at UT have I ever been considered a "traditional student." Between being a transfer student, and a veteran (which inherently made me about 5 years older than my peers) I knew that my experience on this campus was going to be unconventional, so I figured, "why not my degree plan?" With the ability to tailor my education to the curves of my personal situation, I have had the distinct pleasure of uniting my passioned curiousities with my academic endeavours.
What led you to your research interest?
During my first semester (Spring '15), I was pretty foggy about where I was going with this whole education thing. I knew that I wanted to be well educated but I had so many interests I was having a hard time nailing down just one. One of the courses I took that semester was Linguistic Anthropology and I fell in love with the concept. I became very interested in language politics and ways in which languages are used to express. This led to a curiosity about inclusion in the workplace for language, and then about inclusion in general. Thus, a research interest was born.
How has the Humanities program contributed to your experience at UT?
Being the master of my own interest has made education as painless as possible. It's very much like the old adage, "if you do something you love, you'll never work a day in your life." The rigors of an honors program are far easier to bear under those circumstances. I very much believe that this program is part of the reason I have been so successful on campus.
What has been the best part about your Humanities project?
Honestly? Having to pick up the pieces after it fell apart. My original intention was to conduct a case study and use that for the basis of my project, but when the participants cancelled, I basically had to start from scratch. That has proven to be one of the best things to happen, as it put me in the position to find a study that sparked my interest (I wouldn't have looked at it otherwise). I started to follow the trail of studies and disproven theories, and soon enough it was 3 a.m. and I had my new idea. I know it sounds lame, but it was a rush.
What are your future plans?
Well, my next stop is Dallas, TX. I will be working for Ernst & Young (EY) for the next 2-3 years and then, hopefully, I go to graduate school for my MBA/JD. I hope to use my education to facilitate progress in the business world.