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Research Accountability Resources

College of Liberal Arts

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Research Accountability + Resources

Resources at the University of Texas at Austin: 

The University of Texas provides a number of resources for facilitating productivity among scholars in the arts and humanities, listed below. In addition, we have compiled a few other popular strategies to help organize your time and stay motivated in order to complete long-term projects.

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)

  • UT’s institutional membership provides faculty and graduate students with access to accountability groups, templates, and numerous resources for managing productivity and wellness.

Comprehensive Proposal Development (OVPR)

  • Focuses on complex, interdisciplinary team projects.

OVPR R01 Writing Groups

  • Specifically for NIH grant proposals.

Internal Development Opportunities:

Other Methods for Organizing Research and Writing:

Humanities Writing Hour!

Join us for the Humanities Writing Hour!

When: Every Monday morning spring 2025 semester
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Where: Mezes Hall 4.136 (in-person) or virtually via Zoom

Enjoy coffee and snacks while meeting colleagues and working on your writing. Visit our new space, say hello, and stay as long as you like. Everyone is welcome, especially Faculty Research Fellows and Faculty-Student Research Program affiliates.

This is a space to:
(1) Prioritize your research and writing in a focused environment
(2) Share space and accountability with fellow researchers
(3) Highlight the work we do to advance humanistic inquiry

 We’d love to see you there!

Zoom Link
College of Liberal Arts

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