College of Liberal Arts
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If you are returning from a Faculty Led Maymester or Summer Study Abroad:

IRG Staff will do so when your grades have been attached to your transcript.

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College of Liberal Arts

Education Abroad

Spending time in an academic setting outside the United States enables IRG majors to step outside of the confines of the University to study global affairs from a different vantage point while allowing students to apply foreign-based coursework toward their degree.

There is an ever-expanding number of study-abroad programs that cater to many different specific interests, which can be explored in greater depth through the UT Education Abroad Office.

Students who are undocumented or otherwise unable to travel abroad due to special circumstances should consult with an IRG advisor to discuss alternative options.

College of Liberal Arts

Need to submit courses from abroad for Track Evaluation?

Please submit your syllabi using this survey! You may submit 5 at a time! Evals may take up to 2 weeks to be reviewed.

Track Eval Survey
College of Liberal Arts

Returning from Study Abroad?

If you're returning from abroad AND you've confirmed on your degree audit that your Study Abroad courses have been attached with a grade, please fill out this form. Do not fill this out until your grades have posted.

Study Abroad Completion Request
College of Liberal Arts

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College of Liberal Arts

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College of Liberal Arts

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How do I get started?

Start by watching the Explore Education Abroad 101 video. This can be found on Education Abroad's website under Step 1: Explore Your Options. After you've watched the video once or twice, you should watch a few of the offered Explore by Region videos slightly lower on the page. After that, feel free to set up an appointment with an Academic Advisor to discuss your thoughts.

Helpful Hint: Do not use the Find Program By Major option as it yields limiting results. Instead use the Search Programs option in the Find Programs drop down menu.

Education Abroad Advising
College of Liberal Arts

Photo Credit.

Study Abroad FAQ's for IRG Majors

  • How soon should I begin planning for my education abroad?

    ASAP!  You should begin thinking about where and when you want to study abroad your first semester as an IRG major.  You should plan on going abroad for a minimum of four weeks or for as long a semester or full year.

  • When should I study abroad?

    If you're planning on doing a Maymester or summer program, you can very likely study abroad as soon as the summer after your first year at UT.  For semester or year-long programs, students generally study abroad the spring of their sophomore year, or during their junior year.  IRG majors are STRONGLY discouraged from studying abroad during their senior year, as doing so may delay graduation.

  • Can the courses I take abroad be applied to specific IRG degree requirements?

    Yes, with careful planning you can take courses abroad that will fuilfill IRG major requirements, including track, language, and area studies requirements.  You typically cannot take courses abroad to fulfill the IRG 301, IRG 320F, and IRG 378 requirements.  Theses courses must be taken in-residence with UT Austin. 

  • How will I know if a course I take abroad will fulfill an IRG major/minor requirement?

    UT Education Abroad maintains an online credit database listing many UT Austin equivalencies for abroad courses.  You should check this database first to see if a course you plan to take has already been evaluated.  If the course you plan to take is not in the database, UT Education Abroad will assist you with getting the course evaluated. 

  • How do I get the courses I took abroad evaluated for IRG Track credit?

    For IRG track consideration you must ALSO fill out our IRG Track evaluation survey.  For courses not taught in English, please translate the syllabus into English prior to submitting it to IRG.

    IRG only evaluates courses for Track. We do not evaluate for Area Studies, Language, or other core curriculum.

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