- 2024
Thomas, K. J. A., & Larsen Gibby, A. (2024). Online Schooling, Race, and the Supervision of Children at the Height of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Family Issues, 45(10), 2411-2431.
Hall, G., Corsino, L., Mack, M., Hall, R. K., Sloane, R., Sullivan, B., Hough, H., Thomas, K., & Colón-Emeric, C. S. (2024). Internal Consistency and Application of a Mentee Survey to Assess Mentor Competencies in an Academic Medical Center across Demographic Groups. The chronicle of mentoring & coaching, 8(1), 169–177.
Larsen Gibby, A., Thomas, K. J. A., & Ware Metcalf, M. (2024). Racial Disparities in Socioeconomic Status Among Adoptive Parents. Journal of Family Issues, 0(0).
Thomas, K.J.A., Yellow Horse, A.J. & Vargas, E.D. (2024). Black Immigrants, Exposure to Police Violence, and Support for Black Lives Matter: Insights from the 2016 US Collaborative Multiracial Post-Election Survey. Int. Migration & Integration 25, 391–420.
Thomas, K.J.A. Immigrant Status and Hesitancy Toward the Use of Covid-19 Vaccines and Drug Treatments Developed for Children. Popul Res Policy Rev 43, 7 (2024).
Thomas, K. J. A., & Mara, M. (2024). African Migration at a Crossroads: The Social and Theoretical Implications of Emerging International Migration Trends. International Migration Review, 0(0).
Varela, K. S., King, S., Caraballo, K., Irizarry, Y., Iwama, J., Lopez, A., Low, S., Jiang, X., Bondy, J. M., Peguero. A. A. 2024. Immigration, Race/Ethnicity, and School Bullying in the United States. In Handbook of School Violence, Bullying, and Safety. Eds. J.S. Hong, H.C.O. Chan, A.L.C. Fung, & J. Lee. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Iwama, J., Irizarry, Y., Ernstes, A., Ripepi, M., Peguero, A. A., Bondy, J. M., Hong, J. S. 2024. Segregation, Securitization, and Bullying: Investigating the Connections between Policing, Surveillance, Punishment, and Violence. Race and Justice 14(3): 313-344.
Bennett, N., Dudo, A., Besley, J., Irizarry, Y. 2024. Race-Evasive Ideology in U.S.-based Science Communication Fellowship Staff Discourse. Journal of Science Communication. 23(01): A06.
Peguero, A. A., Irizarry, Y., Iwama, J., King, S., Dunning-Lozano, J. L., Hong, J. S., & Bondy, J. M. (2023). Is There an Immigration and School-Level Crime Link? Crime & Delinquency, 69(8), 1339-1368.
López, N., Irizarry, Y., Vargas, E. D. (2024). Consensus Memo Responding to Initial Proposals for Updating OMB’s Race and Ethnicity Statistical Standards (Federal Register 2023-01635).
Curenton, S. M., Escayg, K. A., Granda, C., House, S., Bolan, T., Sims, J., & Ibekwe-Okafor, N. (2024). Black Families’ Social and Cultural Capital During COVID: Families Talk About Coping and Supports. The Educational Forum, 88(4), 458–476.
Dong, N., Curenton, S. M., Bulus, M., & Ibekwe-Okafor, N. (2024). Investigating the Differential Effects of Early Child Care and Education in Reducing Gender and Racial Academic Achievement Gaps From Kindergarten to 8th Grade. Journal of Education, 204(1), 71-91.
Falu, N. (2024). Erotic senses: Powering Brazilian Black queer existence in gynecological spaces. Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
Clealand, D.P. (2024). Who Are the Black Revolutionaries?: Resistance in Cuba and the State Boundaries That Endure. In: Luiz Pereira Oliveira, C., Mitchell-Walthour, G.L., Morrison, M.K.C. (eds) Black Lives Matter in Latin America. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- 2023
Gibby, A.L., Thomas, K.J.A. & Jensen, A.C. (2023). Competing Influences? How Children’s Adoption and Disability Statuses Relate to Family Structure. J Child Fam Stud 32, 3540–3553.
Thomas, K.J.A. (2023). Health behaviours and COVID-19 prevention among immigrants in the United States. Sociology of Health & Illness, 45(4), 837-854.
Thomas, K. (2023). 8. Highly Skilled African Immigrants: Fields of Study, Education-Occupation Matching, and Earnings in the US Labor Market. In M. Zhou & H. Mahmud (Ed.), Beyond Economic Migration: Social, Historical, and Political Factors in US Immigration (pp. 246-271). New York, USA: New York University Press.
Irizarry, Y., Monk, E. P., & Cobb, R. J. (2023). Race-shifting in the United States: Latinxs, Skin Tone, and Ethnoracial Alignments. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 9(1), 37-55.
Ibekwe-Okafor, N., Sims, J., & Curenton, S.M. (2023). Black motherhood and the dual pandemics: The protective role of stable income on mental wellbeing. Journal of Social Issues. 79(2), 694-715.
Ibekwe-Okafor, N., Sims, J., Liu, S., Curenton-Jolly, S., Iruka, I., Escayg, K.A., Bruno, B. & Fisher, P. (2023). Examining the relationship between discrimination, access to material resources, and black children's behavioral functioning during COVID-19. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 62, 335-346.
Ibekwe-Okafor, N., & Wolf, S. (2023). Applying a cumulative risk and protective framework to assess early learning in Ghana. Early Years, 43(1), 104–122.
Falu, N. (2023). The golden seeds of reproductive justice. S&F Online. 19(2).
Falu, N., & Craven, C. (2023). Queer reproductive futures. In A companion to the anthropology of reproductive medicine and technology, 219-233.
Falu, N. (2023). Unseen Flesh: Gynecology and Black Queer Worth-making in Brazil. Duke University Press.
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