Community Education

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Faculty involved in the Initiative have advanced several key education-related objectives this year including on-campus and off-campus activities and partnerships with a variety of organizations and groups. Those activities and partnerships facilitate student opportunities to earn educational credentials and gain research experience. The Initiative has partnered with UT’s Division of Diversity and Community Engagement (DDCE) and Huston Tillotson University (HTU) to offer free micro courses, completed in one evening or weekend, geared for individuals and professionals working on justice-related issues. Initiative affiliates also continue to develop and support the Texas Prison Education Initiative which provides credit bearing college courses to hundreds of individuals housed in detention facilities in Central Texas.
Initiative affiliates pursued the successful development of a Bridging Disciplines Program (BDP) with a focus on Criminal Law, Justice, and Inequality. The BDP has been approved, and we anticipate our first cohort of up to 30 students enrolling in BDP 101 in Spring 2024.

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TPEI is a volunteer-run organization at the University of Texas at Austin offering credit-bearing college courses through UT-Extension to incarcerated youth and adults at no cost to students.
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In partnership with the Institute for justice and equity and Huston-Tillotson University, the Initiative offers free micro-courses open to the public on a range of issues including grant writing and administration, data management and analysis, and the production and use of video evidence.
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The Criminal Law, Justice & Inequality BDP helps prepare students to pursue a variety of career paths, whether working directly in parts of the criminal legal system, on policy or advocacy related to the system, or in intersecting fields such as education, social work, or journalism.
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