Departmental Honors

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Most departments in the College of Liberal Arts offer honors programs to their majors. The admission application process is determined by the individual departments. Admission to the Liberal Arts Freshman Honors Program is not a prerequisite for Departmental Honors.
Minimum requirements for departmental honors are (1) a University grade point average of at least 3.00; (2) a three-semester-hour thesis or research project, or a reasonable eqivalent, with a grade of at least B; (3) completion, with a grade point average of at least 3.50, of the coursework required for a major in the field; and (4) completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree. Each department may establish additional or more rigorous requirements.
The statement "Special Honors in (name of field)" appears on the transcript of each graduate certified as having completed the honors program.
For more information, review the Thesis Manual and contact the departmental honors advisor for your major.