College of Liberal Arts
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Humanities Honors Program

College of Liberal Arts

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The Humanities Honors major is an individualized, interdisciplinary course of study which offers highly motivated students the opportunity to design an independent course of study built around intellectual interests that cannot be adequately pursued through a single departmental major, double major, or dual degree.  Applicants who have earned a 3.5 GPA in at least 30 but not more than 90 credit hours at UT Austin may prepare a contract proposal in collaboration with the Humanities Honors Program adviser.

Admission by special application only. New students who enter UT interested in declaring a major in Humanities Honors should speak with the Humanities Honors advisor as soon as possible. Admission to the Liberal Arts Honors Scholars Program is not a prerequisite for the Humanities Honors major; many transfer students and students from other colleges join the Humanities Honors program.

For more information visit the Humanities Honors Program website.