College of Liberal Arts
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Liberal Arts Honors Scholars Program

College of Liberal Arts

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Students apply to this four year honors program when applying to The University of Texas at Austin as incoming freshman. 

Benefits of the Liberal Arts Honors Scholars Program:

  • A community of talented, highly-motivated students selected from a competitive applicant pool.
  • Special honors sections of introductory courses, taught by some of the most dynamic and accomplished professors on campus.
  • Opportunities to engage with other honors students in student government, volunteer work, field trips, cultural events, and the productions of a theater group and a literary magazine.
  • Academic advising from award-winning advisors who understand the challenges honors students face.
  • A student mentoring program in which first-year students are matched up with sophomore or upper-division Liberal Arts Honors students.
  • Eligibility to apply for honors housing and special scholarship opportunities.

Instructions for fall admission and links to all necessary information can be found in our admissions section.

Liberal Arts Honors Scholars Certification Requirements:

  • Complete LAH 102H The Idea of Liberal Arts, LAH 104H Professional/Career Development, and a first-year honors writing course.
  • Complete the second-year courses, LAH 112H The Nature of Inquiry and 103H The Idea of Civic Engagement.
  • Complete one upper-division course with an experiential learning component.
  • Complete one upper-division LAH course (can be combined with the experiential learning requirement above).
  • Participate in at least two academic enrichment experiences(i.e., student leadership,research, study abroad, internships, community service)
  • Complete a capstone project:
    • Thesis;
    • Approved major capstone course; or
    • Substantial written report on one or more enrichment experiences.
  • Graduate with a 3.25 or higher GPA.

Liberal Arts Honors Distinguished Scholar Certification Requirements:

  • Complete the Liberal Arts Honors Scholar Certification requirements listed above.
  • Complete two additional upper-division LAH classes, for a total of three, and graduate with College Honors.
  • Graduate with a 3.5 or higher GPA.

Liberal Arts Honors Portal

Students can check and record progress towards the Scholars or Distinguished Scholars Certifications here.

*LAH Honors Scholars and Distinguished Scholars certificates are an internal designation and are not transcriptable. However, college honors will appear on the transcript for students pursuing the LAH Distinguished Scholars certificate.