College of Liberal Arts
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First Year Scholarship

First-year Scholarships - 15 at $2000

The deadline for First-year Scholarship applications is August 29, 2024 at midnight.


  • A résumé́ listing leadership, activities, and scholarships (school, community etc.)
  • Statement of financial need-no more than 500 words. 
  • Essay Prompt-750-1000 words.


“Zen mind is beginner’s mind.” Shunru Suzuki

“Never trust anyone over thirty.” Jerry Rubin

“Do not let me hear of the wisdom/Of old men, but rather of their folly.” T.S. Eliot, East Coker

“The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together, and a little child will lead them.”  Isaiah 11.6

In coming to the university, you enter an institution in which the knowledge of the past is enshrined. Why should professors listen to a beginner, if at all? Will you be able to bring new wisdom to this university? If so, how? 


Have all documents and essay prompt in a single file labeled with your name.

On the document please include your Name, EID, and Email address.

Do not include any content in the email, as only the scholarship file is uploaded.

Upload essays to this address 

More information

For more information contact the Liberal Arts Honors Office, or email with any questions.