College of Liberal Arts
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Undergraduate Linguistic Society

College of Liberal Arts

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The Undergraduate Linguistic Society (ULS) is designed for UT undergraduates, from any field of study, who have an academic interest in linguistics. ULS’s mission is to help students meet peers with similar interests, become more connected with the Linguistics Department, and move toward their own long-term vocational and academic goals. Some of the events that ULS intends to organize are a graduate application workshop, a meet and greet between researchers and undergraduates interested in becoming research assistants, monthly meet ups at various local coffee houses to discuss linguistic journal articles, LIN 306 tutor sessions, and presentations from linguistic graduate students and professionals working in linguistic fields. If you are interested in being a part of this group, please find us on Instagram or Discord, or join us at one of our scheduled events.

College of Liberal Arts

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The Undergraduate Linguistic Society (ULS) is designed for UT undergraduates, from any field of study, who have an academic interest in linguistics. ULS’s mission is to help students meet peers with similar interests, become more connected with the Linguistics Department, and move toward their own long-term vocational and academic goals. Some of the events that ULS intends to organize are a graduate application workshop, a meet and greet between researchers and undergraduates interested in becoming research assistants, monthly meet ups at various local coffee houses to discuss linguistic journal articles, LIN 306 tutor sessions, and presentations from linguistic graduate students and professionals working in linguistic fields. If you are interested in being a part of this group, please find us on Instagram or Discord, or join us at one of our scheduled events.


The Undergraduate Linguistic Society is holding elections for officers. Applications are now closed and elections will be held on Monday, April 8th, 2024 from 5-6 PM in RLP 1.106. You may read about the candidates for each position at this link. Procedures for elections and voting can be found in our constitution