Travel Authorizations and Reimbursements
Travel authorization requests and all related paperwork must be submitted and approved BEFORE you leave. Please note that depending on your situation, you may need to submit several forms to complete the travel authorization process. Classes should not be cancelled due to instructor travel.
Travel Authorization Requests
- All official travel requires the submission of a Travel Authorization Request (RTA).
- If you are unsure of your account number, check with our accountant, Cindy Garza. If another institution or group is paying for your travel, select “No Cost to UT.”
International Travel
- Additional approval is required for international travel as outlined on Texas Global’s International Travel Process page
- The first step is to check whether the country you are traveling to is on the Restricted Regions list. If so, you’ll need to apply for and obtain travel approval from the International Oversight Committee.
- The second step is to register your trip through the UT Austin International Travel Registry. All registered travelers will be covered by On Call International Overseas Insurance.
Faculty Travel Grants
- Faculty Travel Grants (FTG) applications must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance. Eligible faculty may receive as much as $1,400 per academic year for travel expenses to present original papers at scholarly and professional meetings.
- FTG applications will route to the Faculty Affairs Office and then to the Liberal Arts Dean's Office for approval. You will receive a message from the Dean's Office Staff when your request has been approved. Don't forget to forward that approval to to ensure the FTG account will be charged for your travel.
- Please note that a Travel Authorization Request (RTA) is also required. The RTA must be submitted and the FTG application must be approved before the start of travel.
- Direct billed charges are no longer allowed on the Faculty Travel Grant account (including direct billed flights through Concur/UT Travel Agencies and conference registration fees paid on the ProCard). All expenses must be paid out of pocket and included on your travel reimbursement request.
Travel Reimbursements
- If you are requesting a reimbursement for your travel expenses, complete a Request for Travel Reimbursement as soon as your trip is over.
- Itemized receipts showing proof of payment are required for all travel expenses except your meals (list your per diem amount, up to the limit of $59/day) and ground transportation within a city (such as a taxi ride from the airport to your hotel).
- Upload your receipts at the bottom of the request form. You can upload multiple attachments, including multiple formats (.pdf, .jpg, etc.) in the upload box. Make sure that all attachments have been uploaded before submitting the request as incomplete requests cannot be processed.
Guest Speakers
- Pre-authorization is required to pay travel expenses for guests of the department or honoraria for guest speakers. Requests to pay for a guest speaker that are submitted after the event may be denied by the Office of Accounting.
- To request authorization, submit a Guest Speaker/Visitor Request
All reimbursement requests (travel, meals, or purchases) must be submitted and final approved within 60 days.