College of Liberal Arts
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Argentine Studies


The three main goals of the Argentine Studies Program are:

  • To support and promote the scholarly work of UT faculty and students specializing in Argentina;
  • To enhance Argentina's visibility at the University of Texas at Austin;
  • To foster linkages between UT scholars and those throughout the Americas who are working on Argentina.

Faculty Committee

College of Liberal Arts

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Javier Auyero
Professor, Department of Sociology
Interests: Political ethnography, urban politics, environmental sociology

College of Liberal Arts

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Daniel Fridman
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
Interests: Economic sociology; ethnography; sociology of finance; neoliberalism; markets and consumption; sociology of money; Latin America

College of Liberal Arts

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John Turci-Escobar
Assistant Professor of Instruction in Theory; Assoc. Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Butler School of Music
Interests: Late Italian madrigal; the music of Astor Piazzolla;  Argentine tango

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College of Liberal Arts