LLILAS Benson Events
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Most LLILAS Benson events are available online with closed captioning. Click here to browse the LLILAS Benson event archive on YouTube.
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Events Calendar Policy
The LLILAS Events Calendar welcomes submissions of non-UT events with Latin American, U.S. Latina/o/x, or Black Diaspora in the Americas content in accordance with the following guidelines:
‣ Your event is free to the public or you are a nonprofit;
‣ Your event has cultural and/or scholarly relevance;
‣ Your event does not directly conflict with a LLILAS event or an event sponsored or promoted by LLILAS that has similar or overlapping content;
‣ Your event does not include hate speech or promote the disrespectful treatment of persons of any race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, or with any type of disability.
Submit your non-UT event to Susanna Sharpe at least two weeks before the event date. Please include the following information: Event title, location, sponsoring organization, type of event (e.g., lecture, film screening, concert), cover charge, name of contact person with either phone number or e-mail, website (if applicable). Events submitted fewer than two weeks before event date will not be considered for the LLILAS calendar. LLILAS reserves the right to decline calendar posting requests for reasons other than those listed above.
Created: January 29, 2015