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An initiative coordinated by the LLILAS Brazil Center in partnership with Brazilian institutions, the UT-Fulbright professorship recognizes faculty members and researchers who have established a record of teaching and exhibit the potential to make significant contributions to the body of research in themes related to Social-Cultural Tensions and Public Policies. This program is on hiatus as of fall 2023.

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  • Fall 2022: Adilson Cabral Filho

    Adilson Cabral is a professor at Universidade Fluminense in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A faculty member in the Department of Social Communication and the graduate program in Media and Everyday Life, he teaches courses on communication policies and community communication. Since 2016, he has conducted research for the Community Broadcast Policies project, looking at the sustainability of community radio and television, the implications for social movements, and the importance of this system in the larger media environment. His writing during this time has also been in the area of the relationship between community media and social/political movements.

    In fall 2022, he will teach the course Public Policies for the Community Broadcasting Sector in Latin America. The course will address the question, “Where are the public policies for the community broadcasting sector in Latin America?” Cabral and students will investigate communication policies that allow sustainability of community communication initiatives and legislation in a range of Latin American countries.

  • Spring 2022: Marta Mendes da Rocha

    Marta Mendes da Rocha is an associate professor at the Department of Social Sciences at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil, where she coordinates the Study Group on Local Politics (NEPOL). She holds a PhD in Political Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Over the last decade, she has been devoted to studies on political institutions, political representation, subnational governments, local politics, clientelism, and brokers. Her current research focuses on clientelism and brokers in Brazilian local politics. She investigates how brokers' background, resources, and links with people, political parties, and civil associations shape their relationships with politicians and voters. She was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at LLILAS during spring 2022.

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  • Fall 2021: Teresa Cristina Marques

    Teresa Cristina Marques is assistant professor and director of graduate studies, at Universidade de Brasília. She researches women’s civil and political rights. She will teach the graduate seminar Women and the Right to Vote in the Americas, which examines, comparatively, the long historical path to the achievement of women’s right to vote in the Americas. It focuses on the cases of Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, United States, and Uruguay. In the year 2020, the United States celebrated the centennial of the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guaranteed women the right to vote. The strategies adopted by North American suffragists inspired many movements in Latin America, including in Brazil.

    Course info: Women and the Right to Vote in the Americas, LAS 384L, Unique: 40339, Tuesdays, 2–5 PM, SRH 1.320. Will be cross-listed with History and Women’s and Gender Studies.

  • Spring 2020: Rosana Rodrigues Heringer

    LLILAS Benson welcomes Rosana Rodrigues Heringer as Fulbright Chair in Socio-Cultural Tensions and Public Policies in Education during spring 2020. Heringer is a professor in the College of Education at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Trained as a sociologist, she has published works on race relations, women and gender, education, and affirmative action. She is former director of the Center for Afro-Brazilian Studies at Universidade Candido Mendes and former country director of ActionAid Brazil. She is co-editor of Race, Politics, and Education in Brazil: Affirmative Action in Higher Education (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015). Her course offering in spring 2020, Race Inequalities and Affirmative Action in Brazilian Higher Education, will discuss the main aspects of racial inequalities in Brazil, drawing from historical analysis and relevant data on the lack of equal opportunities. The course will also present the historical and political background on the affirmative action debate in Brazil. 

  • Spring 2019: Henrique Cukierman

    LLILAS Benson is pleased to welcome Henrique Cukierman of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, who will teach the course Science and Technology Studies: A Brazilian and Latin American Approach.

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