Lozano Long
The Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Endowment
is not currently open for nominations.
Learn about past recipients below.
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This professorship supported visiting scholars from a Latin American country to teach at UT for one semester. Candidates for the Lozano Long Professorship were to be nominated by UT academic departments and approved by the committee that oversees the LLILAS visiting professors programs. One or more of these professorships were awarded annually.
- Fall 2016: Eduardo Lalo
Eduardo Lalo, of Puerto Rico, is a literary scholar, writer, and visual artist, and author of the award-winning novels La inutilidad (2013) and Simone (2011). His artwork in a variety of media, including film, has been exhibited in Argentina, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Spain, and the continental United States. An associate professor in the Department of Humanities at the University of Puerto Rico–Río Piedras, he has also presented talks and lectures throughout the Americas and in Europe. Other recent literary works include Necrópolis (2014) and Los países invisibles (2014). Lalo will offer the graduate course Poéticas del Caribe, taught in Spanish.
- Spring 2014: Raquel Padilla Ramos
Raquel Padilla Ramos is a Research Professor at the National Institute of Anthropology and History in Sonora, Mexico. She received a PhD in Mesoamerican Studies from the University of Hamburg, Germany, and an MA and a BA in anthropological sciences and history from the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Dr. Padilla Ramos is a leader in the field of diasporic indigenous studies and is one of the foremost Mexican experts on Yaqui culture and history, having taught and published extensively on the deportation of the Yaquis. Her publications include the recent book Los irredentos parias: Los yaquis, Madero y Pino Suárez en las elecciones de Yucatán, 1911 (INAH, Mexico D.F., 2011), which builds on her earlier work, Yucatán, fin del sueno yaqui (1995). Dr. Padilla Ramos is a member of the Mexican National System of Researchers, has been a CONACYT fellow and grant recipient, and has been a visiting scholar at the University of Finders in Adelaide, Australia. She will teach one graduate seminar in Spring 2014, LAS 381 Yaqui History and Culture.
- Spring 2012: David Mauricio Solodkow
David Mauricio Solodkow has a PhD (2009) and an MA (2006) in Latin American literature from Vanderbilt University. He is currently Associate Professor at the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). Dr. Solodkow's areas of expertise are colonial studies with an emphasis on representation of identities, racial and ethnic classification, and ethnographic writing. He has published two coedited books: Poéticas de lo criollo. La transformación del concepto ‘criollo’ en las letras hispanoamericanas (siglos XVI al XIX) (Buenos Aires: Editorial Corregidor 2009), in collaboration with Juan Vitulli, and Perspectivas sobre el Renacimiento y el Barroco (Bogotá: Uniandes, 2012). He also has published several articles in peer review journals such Nuevos Mundos, Revista Chilena de Literatura, Taller de Letras, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Revista de Estudios Colombianos, Revista Decimonónica, and The Colorado Review of Hispanic Studies. Dr. Solodkow is currently writing a book titled Etnógrafos coloniales. Escritura, alteridad y diferencia en la Conquista de América (siglo XVI). During spring 2012 he will teach the course Colonial Ethnographers: American Conquest.
- Fall 2010: Maria Aparecida da Silva Bento
Maria Aparecida da Silva Bento is a Research Professor and Executive Director of the Centro de Estudos das Relações de Trabalho e Desigualdades (Center for the Study of Inequality and Workplace Relationships) in São Paulo, Brazil. A PhD in educational psychology and human development of the Universidade de São Paulo, she also completed an MS at the Pontífica Universidade Católica of São Paulo and a BA at the Farias Brito School of Philosophy, Science, and Letters, both in psychology. Dr. Bento’s research interests include racial identity, gender and race equality, and diversity in the workplace. She will teach a course during fall 2010 called Whiteness and Power in Brazil.
- Spring 2010: Beatriz Ilari
Beatriz Ilari holds a PhD in music from McGill University, Montreal, an MA from Montclair State University, and a BA from the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. She is currently Associate Professor of Music at the Universidade Federal do Paraná in Curitiba, Brazil, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in music education, Brazilian musical cultures, and music psychology. In recent years, Professor Ilari also has been interested in social, ethnic, and cultural issues pertaining to music learning and has been conducting extensive studies on the musical experiences of Brazilian children and adolescents in different contexts and geographical areas of the country. She is currently the Latin American Commissioner for the Early Childhood Music Education Commission of the International Society for Music Education (ISME) and coeditor of the International Journal of Music Education. Professor Ilari will arrive in spring 2010 and will teach the seminar Music, Culture, Learning and Identity: Brazil and Beyond.
- Fall 2008: Ariel Dulitzky
Ariel Dulitzky holds a law degree from the University of Buenos Aires School of Law and an LLM from Harvard. A former professor at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and American University, Washington College of Law, Professor Dulitzky is a leading expert in the Inter-American human rights system. His work on the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights was fundamental to the creation of the Special Rapporteurship on Afro-Descendants and Racial Discrimination. Prior to joining the IACHR, Dulitzky served as the Latin America Program Director at the International Human Rights Law Group, where he developed a program on racial discrimination in Brazil and oversaw the Law Group's Program on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua.
- Fall 2007: Antonio Dimas DeMoraes
Antonio Dimas DeMoraes holds a PhD from the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. He is a respected scholar of Brazilian literature, with a research focus on the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Professor Dimas will arrive in fall 2007 and will teach Modernização cultural e literária nos anos 20 e 30: Gilberto Freyre, Mário de Andrade e José Lins do Rego [Brazil's Cultural and Literary Modernization in the 1920s and 1930s: G. Freyre, M. de Andrade and J. Lins do Rego].
- Spring 2007: Marcela Cerrutti
Marcela Cerrutti holds a PhD in sociology with a specialization in population from the University of Texas at Austin. She is a leading expert on urban labor markets in Latin America with a particular emphasis on the role and behavior of women within them. She has served as the Director of the Center for Population Studies (CENEP) in Argentina. Professor Cerrutti will be teaching SOC 389K, Internal and International Migration in Latin America, during the spring 2007 session.
- Spring 2006: Guillermo Padilla
Guillermo Padilla, the first Lozano Long Visiting Professor, is from the University of California, Berkeley, and his research focuses on sociology and legal anthropology. He will teach in the Department of Anthropology during spring 2006.
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