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Tinker Visiting Professor

The University of Texas at Austin is one of five major universities (with Chicago, Columbia, Stanford, and Wisconsin) to have a professorship endowed by the Edward Larocque Tinker Foundation. The goal of the Tinker Visiting Professor program has been to bring pre-eminent thinkers from Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula to the United States as a means of encouraging contact and collaboration among scholars. A Tinker Visiting Professor is expected to provide an opportunity for U.S. scholars, students and the general public to discover the contributions made by Latin American and Iberian scholars in a broad range of disciplines and, therefore, must be a citizen of an Ibero-American country, Spain, or Portugal.

A Tinker Visiting Professor is a scholar or professional (journalist, architect, judge, etc.) who has gained prominence and recognition for contributions to his/her field and not just a promising newcomer.

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The Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies (LLILAS) administers the UT Austin Tinker Visiting Professor Program. Nominations for this professorship may come from the chair of a UT Austin department or from any LLILAS faculty associate or affiliate. Calls for proposals are announced each fall and decisions made early in the spring semester.

  • Tinker Visiting Professor Nominations, Academic Year 2025–2026

    Call for Nominations – For LLILAS Affiliated Faculty Only

    Deadline: Monday, December 2, 2024, 5pm Central Time

    The Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies (LLILAS) invites its affiliated faculty to send nominations for the Tinker Visiting Professorship for the 2025–2026 academic year.

    Nominations for a visiting professorship are for a one-semester appointment. Visiting professors teach one graduate-level Latin American Studies course per semester, which can be cross-listed with other departments. The course must contain at least 30% Latin American content to qualify as a Latin American Studies course.

    Preference will be given to candidates who can provide broad perspectives of contemporary Latin American concerns and who are current research collaborators of our affiliated faculty.

    The nominee must be a citizen or resident in any country in Latin America. (Under special circumstances we can consider Latin American candidates who live in Spain or Portugal.)

    Each visiting professorship includes the following financial support:

    • A salary of $45,000 per semester
    • University of Texas health benefits
    • $2,600 for travel and relocation expenses
    • $1,500 for research expenses

    Visiting professorships may also be combined with other external or departmental funding.

    Selection Criteria

    • The candidate shows a compelling professional and/or scholarly trajectory.
    • Teaching experience.
    • Reference letters make a strong case for an international visiting scholar.
    • Relevance of course proposed—potential to inspire and enroll students from more than one discipline/school. The course contains a minimum of 30% Latin American content.
    • Candidate’s English proficiency.*
    • Candidate’s international stature in their field of Latin American Studies.
    • Candidate’s research collaborators with LLILAS core, associate, and/or affiliate faculty members; synergy to enhance collaborative research projects.

    We encourage affiliated faculty to submit nominations jointly with another faculty member; we ask that you limit the number of co-nominators to two and reference any others who may be interested in the text of your nomination letter.

    During the visit of the scholar, we expect the faculty nominators to remain engaged and supportive of the activities of the Visiting Professor by helping to answer their questions about teaching at UT, sharing best practices for syllabi, and promoting their class and public lectures.

    Nomination Policy

    LLILAS affiliated faculty members are eligible to nominate visiting professors. Nomination packages should be submitted in PDF form and must include the following: 

    1. The nominee’s most current Curriculum Vitae, preferably in English.
    2. A 300-word statement from the nominee confirming their interest in serving as a Tinker Visiting Professor and describing the research project they plan to carry out while they are on our campus.
    3. A nomination letter from a LLILAS faculty associate or affiliate. The letter must be on departmental letterhead and include:
      • A brief description of the proposed graduate course;
      • The nominee’s preferred teaching term (fall, spring);
      • The nominee’s level of English proficiency (basic, intermediate, advanced); and,
      • The preferred language of instruction.


    1. In addition to that package, we request two letters of reference from non-UT faculty members on institutional letterhead. Please ask letter writers to upload their files here by November 24, 2024.
    2. Proof of proficiency in English. (See details below.)

    The deadline for nomination packages is December 2, 2024, 5:00 pm Central Time.

    Submit nomination packages to this Box link.

    Please contact with any questions.


    *English Proficiency Policy, International Student & Scholar Services

    International visiting scholars enhance the academic prestige of The University of Texas at Austin and add to the cultural vibrancy of our campus. International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) is proud to administer the U.S. Department of State’s J-1 Visa Exchange Visitor Program on behalf of the University.

    Federal immigration regulations mandate that J-1 Exchange Visitors have requisite English proficiency to participate both in their academic program and day-to-day life at the University [22 C.F.R. § 62.10(a)(2)]. One method of language assessment currently used at UT Austin is a video or in-person interview facilitated by the visiting scholar’s sponsoring faculty member. The State Department has notified ISSS that this method is no longer acceptable, necessitating a change in procedure.

    Effective April 8, 2024, J-1 scholars who do not meet the criteria for showing proof of English proficiency will be required to schedule an assessment interview with Texas Global’s English Language Center. The fee for the interview is $80 and can be paid by the department via IDT or by the individual scholar.

    Proof of English proficiency can still be established by:

    • Providing a valid passport as proof of citizenship from an English-speaking country.
    • Showing completion of a higher education degree (diploma/academic transcripts) from an English-speaking country.
    • Submitting an acceptable minimum TOEFL/IELTS score of:
      • 79 on the TOEFL (internet-based test)
      • 6.5 overall band on the IELTS Academic test

    Proof of English proficiency must be indicated in myIO before an ISSS advisor will issue a DS-2019, the immigration document needed to apply for a J-1 visa at a United States consulate or embassy.

    Please review our full information about inviting J-1 Exchange Visitors and reach out to us at if you have questions about the J-1 visa process.

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  • Spring 2026: Elia Haydée Carrasco Ortiz

    Elia Haydée Carrasco Ortíz, a Mexican psycholinguist who studies the cognitive and neural bases of language processing in Mexican Indigenous languages and Spanish vernaculars, will be the spring 2026 Tinker Visiting Professor. More information to come.

  • Fall 2025: Edwin R. Román Ramírez

    Edwin R. Román Ramírez (LLILAS PhD 2017), a Guatemalan archaeologist and director of the Southern Tikal Archaeological Project, will be the fall 2025 Tinker Visiting Professor. More information to come.

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  • Spring 2025: Marixa Lasso

    Tinker Visiting Professor Marixa Lasso will teach The Tropics and the Tropical City.

    LAS 381 | Tropics/Cities in Latin Am
    Unique: 39828 | CSN: 114980
    TH, 2–5 p.m., SRH 1.320

    Historian and award-winning author Marixa Lasso is former director and current researcher at the Centro de Investigaciones Históricas, Antropológicas y Culturales in Panama. She is the author of the books Myths of Harmony: Race and Republicanism during the Age of Revolution (Pittsburgh, 2007) and Erased: The Untold Story of the Panama Canal (Harvard, 2019), the latter of which received the Friedrich Katz Prize of the American Historical Association for the best book in Latin American and Caribbean History and the William M. LeoGrande award for the best book on U.S.-Latin American relations in 2018–2019. 

    Professor Lasso is a member of the editorial board of the Hispanic American Historical Review. She has received grants from the American Council of Learned Societies, the National Humanities Center, the Social Science Research Council, Fulbright and the Wenner Gren Foundation. During fall 2016, she was the Sheila Biddle Fellow at the Hutchins Center at Harvard. A strong proponent of public history, Lasso's opinion pieces have appeared in the Washington PostEl EspectadorLa Prensa y la Estrella de Panamá."

    Her spring 2025 graduate seminar, The Tropics and the Tropical City in Latin America, examines the tropics as an idea and looks at the history and legacy of this idea, eventually coming to focus on the tropical city in Latin America.

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  • Fall 2024: Daniel Escotto

    Tinker Visiting Professor Daniel Escotto will teach Social Responsibility of Architecture and Urban Planning in Mexico in Fall 2024.

    LAS 381 | SRH 1.313 | Unique: 38666 | CSN: 115825
    Tuesdays, 1–4 p.m.

    Daniel Escotto holds a master’s in arts and architecture studies from Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain. He has been professor at the Department of Theory and History of Architecture at the School of Architecture of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) for the last 21 years and has taught studio and urban design at the Monterrey Tech for 10 years. His areas of research are 20th-century architectural heritage, the European diaspora of modernity in Latin American countries and its effects on the arts and architectural culture. Escotto also has profound expertise in implementation of projects and policies in urban public spaces and the relation to politics and civic culture.

    Escotto had the responsibility of integrating the inscription dossier for the Central University City Campus of UNAM as a World Heritage Site (UNESCO 2007). He is former Public Space Authority of Mexico City Government (2008–2012) and the founder and director of the post-graduate program in Public Space and Urban Mobility at UNAM. From 2018 to 2020, Escotto led project development on public space and infrastructure improvement program, a nationwide action of the Federal Government of Mexico (SEDATU-PMU). He leads the Special Projects Office at UNAM’s School of Architecture and frequently lectures, writes, and publishes books and articles on arts, architecture, and urban culture.

    Course Description

    Social Responsibility of Architecture and Urban Planning in Mexico, a graduate course, is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between social factors and urban development in Mexico. The course will begin with a brief review of the evolution of urban settlements in Mexico, setting the stage for an in-depth exploration of contemporary issues in housing, urban planning, and social responsibility. A unique aspect of this course is the incorporation of case studies derived from the instructor’s personal experience in creating and managing various projects in Mexico, offering students firsthand insights into the realities and challenges of urban development.

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  • Spring 2024: Beatriz Jaguaribe

    Tinker Visiting Professor Beatriz Jaguaribe will teach Environmental Imaginaries of Latin America during Spring 2024.

    LAS 381 | Unique 38699 | CSN 114679
    Tuesdays, 3:00–6:00 p.m.

    Beatriz Jaguaribe holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from Stanford University. Since 1994, she has been a professor at the School of Communication of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She has been a visiting professor at Princeton University, The New School for Social Research, New York University, and Stanford University, among other academic institutions. She received a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Andrés Bello Chair (NYU), an ICAS fellowship (NYU), and is a researcher at the CNPq in Brazil. Her areas of academic expertise are comparative literature, media studies, and urban culture. Her publications include the books Fins de século: cidade e cultura no Rio de Janeiro (1998), Mapa do maravilhoso (2001), O choque do real (2007), and Rio de Janeiro: Urban Life through the Eyes of the City (2014). Dr. Jaguaribe’s overall academic work focuses on three distinct thematic issues: urban imaginaries, inventions of the self in literature and visual culture, and representations of Latin American modernities and nation-building with special emphasis on Brazil. 

    Course Description

    The course will examine how notions of nature, culture, and landscape have been historically enacted and aesthetically conceptualized. In their environmental diversity, spatial contrasts, and social differences, terrains of nature/culture are gleaned as sites of colonial legacies, political disputes, social resistance, environmental destruction, and artistic invention. The course is divided into four thematic clusters that discuss aesthetic responses to the invention/dilemmas of nature/culture, colonial legacies, nation-building, collective trauma, and peripheral visibilities. In all four sections, differing historical periods, aesthetic inventions, and theoretical perspectives are juxtaposed.

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  • Fall 2023: Sueli Carneiro

    Tinker Visiting Professor Sueli Carneiro will teach Black Feminist Epistemologies during fall 2023.

    Course info: LAS 381 | Unique: 39644 | CSN: 114714
    Mondays, 1–4 p.m. | SRH 1.320

    Sueli Carnerio is a renowned public figure known as the godmother of Black feminism in Brazil. She is the winner of numerous prestigious national and international awards, including the 2021 Kalman Silvert Award for lifetime achievement from the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) and the 2022 Jabuti Prize for literary excellence (akin to a Nobel Prize for Literature in Brazil). She is also the first Black woman to be given an honorary doctorate from the University of Brasília (2022).

    Course Description

    Dr. Carneiro's graduate seminar surveys Black women’s epistemologies from a global South perspective. Focusing primarily on the work of Black Brazilian feminists (in Portuguese) and Spanish-speaking Black feminists from the Caribbean and Latin America, the course will consider what it means to decolonize epistemologies as a Black feminist project. How can we rethink the relationship between knowledge, power, race, and gender in ways that intellectually move us away from the traditional gravitational pull of the North? Fundamental to this conversation will be an exploration of transnational Black feminism, non-anglophone Black radical thought, and the power of engaging contradictions, community-engaged research, and deconstructing the hegemonic politics of Northern/Western canon.

  • Fall 2023: Víctor Zúñiga

    Tinker Visiting Professor Víctor Zúñiga will teach International Child Migration: Children Circulating between the United States, Mexico, and Central America during fall 2023. Professor Zúñiga discusses the course in a short video here.

    Course info: LAS 381 | Unique: 39669 | CSN: 114713 
    Wednesdays, 11 a.m.–2 p.m. | SRH 1.320

    Víctor Zúñiga is professor of sociology at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Derecho y Criminología. His current projects relate to child migrants circulating between the United States and Mexico, new destinations of Mexicans immigrants in the U.S., and contemporary return migration from the United States to Mexico. His graduate seminar focuses on child migration between the U.S., Mexico, and Central America from a child-centered perspective.

    Course Description

    The hegemonic adultcentrism in migration studies seems to be receding thanks to numerous researchers who are making visible child migrants since the beginning of the 21st century. Today, child migrants are appearing on the scene. They are children enrolled in the circuits of internal migration, as well as participants in international mobilities. Children migrate, and they are migrants, in the same way as their parents and older siblings, with whom, generally, they move from one place to another.

    This course echoes Madeleine Dobson’s invitation (2009) to “unpack children in migration studies” and overcome myopia that impedes researchers from seeing child migrants. Two types of adultcentrism will be discussed and criticized throughout the course. The first of these (adultcentrism type A) ignores migrant children because it considers them objects or suitcases carried by adults. Seen this way, children did not migrate, but were taken, and brought, as belongings one takes for trips. This type of adultcentrism includes different kinds of myopias that this course will discuss and analyze.

    The second type of adultcentrism (type B) does not ignore children but directs its gaze toward them because they are "a source of anxiety" for adults. Children exist in migration, but as victims, in need of protection, disabled beings, devoid of knowledge and agency. Seen in this way, children are not migrants like their parents, but exist because they should be the object of public concern, because they are defenseless subjects who require State guardianship and/or adult protection. They exist, then, because adults give them existence.

    The course will focus on child migrants moving/circulating between the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. In some sessions, the course will pay special attention on two populations: (a) Mexican-origin child migrants living in the United States, and (b) US-born children moving from the United States to Mexico (recent works named those children as the 0.5 generation because, once in Mexico, they do not belong to 2nd or 1.5 generation, anymore).

    The analysis of available data and research on international child migrants will lead us to contemplate issues closely related with children's lives and experiences: migratory paths, integration and achievement in schools, the linguistic fractures, teachers' welcoming or unwelcoming practices, the division of family members by borders, the subjective journeys children undertake, and the national affiliations and disaffiliation experiences among those Mexican-origin immigrant children living in the United States and those US-born children and adolescents residing in Mexico after living in the United States during part of their lives.


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  • Spring 2023: Daniel Party

    Daniel Party is associate professor of music at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His research interests include popular music and culture of the Americas and Spain; gender and sexuality; artivism and social movements; diaspora and migration. Party's scholarly work is interdisciplinary. He is the author of a wide range of articles on topics ranging from musical events and their relationship to democracy and political action, to questions of gender, cultural trends in popular music, and numerous other subjects. His forthcoming article in Latin American Perspectives is titled "The Right to Live in Peace: Musical Responses to Violence in the 2019 Chilean Uprising."   

    Party will teach a graduate seminar titled Activist Arts in Contemporary Latin America, cross-listed with the Butler School of Music, during spring 2023. "The seminar will examine the increasing presence of the visual and performing arts in Latin American political activism of the 21st century," Party says. "It will consider how artistic and performative strategies have become central to social movements and protest, from Cuba’s Movimiento San Isidro to Chile’s LasTesis and their “A rapist in your path” performance, from Mexico’s #IlustradoresConAyotzinapa to Argentina’s Iconoclasistas. We will consider what elements contribute to the effectiveness of these artistic strategies, and how these strategies relate to civil liberties, the levels of political participation, and the state of democracy in the region. It will begin with theoretical considerations of artivism (Mouffe, Duncombe, Mattern) and then move to case studies that present a wide spectrum of strategies and political positions. The course will incorporate guest visits from Latin American artivists such as members of LasTesis, Delight Lab, and Iconoclasistas."

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  • Fall 2022: Sayak Valencia

    Sayak Valencia earned her doctorate in Feminist Philosophy and Critical Theory from La Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She is currently a professor and researcher in the Departamento de Estudios Culturales at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte /CONACYT in Tijuana-México. Her research focuses on feminism, trans-feminism, Queer/Cuir Theory, capitalism, necropolitics, violence, border studies, colonialism and decolonialism. She is author of the book Capitalismo Gore (Paidós, 2010; Gore Capitalism, MIT Press, 2018). Valencia will teach the graduate seminar Política Post-Mortem en Latinoamérica. The course will be taught in Spanish; students who understand and read Spanish are welcome. Course info: Tuesdays, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. LAS 384L; Unique 39903; SRH 1.320.

    Valencia describes her course: "In today’s global context, violence becomes a persistent center for the organization and propagation of Western modernity-coloniality. Thus, death becomes a kind of civilizing technology that connects the contemporary context with the colonial intermittence, as a dynamic device for the economies of death. Resistances after death are called post-mortem policies (Valencia, 2020) and are politicizations of affection and mourning carried out by surviving members of the communities most affected by different types of lethal violence. To that end, this seminar will allow us to explore different forms of post-mortem politics in the Latin American context and also in the US from an interdisciplinary perspective between Literature, Film, and Cultural, Gender, Queer, Violence, Border and Affect Studies."

  • Fall 2021: Gustavo Adolfo Vaamonde

    Gustavo Adolfo Vaamonde is professor in the Cátedra Historical Theory and Method, and director of the master’s program in History, at Universidad Central de Venezuela. He will teach the undergraduate course Political History in Latin America, examining political participation from the 19th century up to the present. The course will be taught in Spanish. Describing the course, Vaamonde writes, “El propósito del Seminario es revisar y estudiar críticamente el proceso de conformación de las Naciones y los Estados independientes de Latinoamérica desde finales del siglo XVIII hasta mediados del siglo XIX, como requisito metodológico previo para entender la creación, estructuración, consolidación y sustitución de las instancias y espacios de participación política de nuestras nuevas Repúblicas. A partir de esta etapa genésica hasta el presente, se han implantado en nuestras sociedades diversas doctrinas políticas, escuelas de pensamiento, así como también se han defendido diferentes anhelos sociales los cuales han condicionado la participación de las mayorías sociales en los espacios públicos de decisión. El sistema juntista monárquico, la movilización de masas en los ejércitos independentistas, el constitucionalismo liberal latinoamericano, el progresismo positivista, la consolidación de los partidos políticos modernos, la preeminencia del movimiento sindical, los sistemas de democracia representativa, la lucha armada hasta los sistemas populistas contemporáneos, serán revisados en el curso.”

    Course info: Political History in Latin America (19th–21st Century), LAS 370S, Unique: 40269, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30–11:00 AM, SRH 1.320. Course taught in Spanish.

  • Spring 2020: María José Álvarez Rivadulla

    María José Álvarez Rivadulla is associate professor of sociology and chair of the sociology area at Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. She is the author of Squatters and the Politics of Marginality in Uruguay (Springer, 2017), as well as numerous journal articles and book chapters. As Tinker Visiting Professor, she will co-teach, with Professor Javier Auyero (Sociology) the graduate seminar Urban Inequalities in the Americas (and Beyond): Configurations and Experiences. The course puts research and ideas on Latin American cities into dialog with research from the United States and beyond. Among other questions, the course examines the fact that in Latin America, class is the main cleavage determining residential choices and constraints for city dwellers. This is in contrast to cities the global North, where race and migration are the main factors.

  • Spring 2019: Rolando Díaz-Loving and Gabriela Siracusano

    Rolando Díaz-Loving is full professor in the Department of Psychology at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and a member of Mexico’s National Council of Science. His research focuses on psychological processes in couples and families, sexual behavior, health, and HIV, as well as cross-cultural psychology and ethno-psychology. He will teach a course titled Social Psychology in Latin America: An Ethno-psychological Approach in spring 2019. 

    Gabriela Siracusano is director of the Research Center for Art, Materiality, and Culture at the Instituto sobre Arte y Cultura “Dr. Norberto Griffa,” at Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero in Buenos Aires. She is also a scientific career researcher at the National Scientific and Research Council of Argentina, CONICET. She will teach a course on the visual and material culture of colonial Andean art in spring 2019.

  • Fall 2018: Beatriz Bustos

    Beatriz Bustos (Universidad de Chile) is a professor in the Department of Geography within the School of Architecture and Urbanism. Her research focuses on rural development, political ecology, and economic geography. She will teach the graduate seminar Political Ecology and the Geography of Commodities during fall 2018.

  • Spring 2018: Alessandro de Oliveira dos Santos

    Alessandro de Oliveira dos Santos is senior researcher and professor at the Psychology Institute of the University of São Paulo. He works with Black and Indigenous populations in the Brazilian Amazon forest to address the effects of borders, tourism, mining, and hydroelectric projects on their lives. He taught the graduate seminar Environmental Racism and Struggles for Recognition among People of the Amazon Forest in spring 2018.

  • Fall 2017: Felipe González Morales

    Felipe González Morales is a specialist in international human rights law who currently serves as the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Migrants. Prior to this, he  served on the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. A professor of international and constitutional law at Diego Portales University in Santiago, Chile, González will co-teach the graduate course Human Rights in Latin America with Ariel Dulitzky, clinical professor of law and director of the Human Rights Clinic and the Latin America Initiative at Texas Law. Read more about Professor González.

  • Fall 2016–Spring 2017: Bianca Freire-Medeiros

    Bianca Freire-Medeiros, of Brazil, is a professor of sociology at the University of São Paulo (USP) and the coordinator of UrbanData, a database on urban Brazil. Her training in both sociology and the history and theory of art and architecture has led her to work with photographic and cinematic images of urban space and cultural otherness. She is the author of the book O Rio de Janeiro que Hollywood inventou (The Rio de Janeiro That Hollywood Invented, 2005), based on her dissertation, as well as numerous articles on U.S. representations of Rio de Janeiro in film, travel accounts, and scholarly writings. Her more recent work examines favela tourism. She produced the 2012 documentary A Place to Take Away, which looks at the implications of tourism in the favela of Roçinha. Professor Freire-Medeiros will offer the graduate seminar Rio Favelas and the Imaginary Brazil during the fall semester.

  • Fall 2016: Rosalva Aída Hernández

    Rosalva Aída Hernández is a Mexican anthropologist currently working as professor and senior researcher at CIESAS (Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Anthropology) in Mexico City. Her research interests include ethnic studies, legal and political anthropology, postcolonial feminisms, and activist research. This includes a project exploring the experience of indigenous women with customary law and national law. She is author, most recently of Multiple InJustices: Indigenous Women, Law, and Political Struggle (forthcoming), as well as Sur profundo: Identidades indígenas en la frontera Chiapas–Guatemala (Deep South: Indigenous Identities on the Chiapas–Guatemala Border, 2013) and numerous other books and co-edited volumes. She is recipient of the Martin Diskin Oxfam Award for her activist research, and was awarded the Simón Bolívar Chair at Cambridge University for her scholarly achievements. Professor Hernández will teach the graduate seminar Epistemologies of Decolonialization, Identity, and Power in fall 2016.

  • Spring 2016: Ruud van Akkeren and Irma Alicia Velásquez Nimatuj

    Ruud van Akkeren is a researcher, anthropologist, and ethnohistorian at the Centro de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Antropológias at Universidad del Valle, Guatemala. A native of the Netherlands, he has lived and worked in Guatemala for many years. Van Akkeren’s research interests include indigenous documents of Guatemala, Maya and Mesoamerican mythology and religion, Classic Maya collapse and birth of Postclassic confederations, and the Mesoamerican network of trade and its cosmology. His course offering this semester is the graduate seminar Understanding Maya Thought, which explores certain poorly understood texts containing a wealth of information on Maya history and religion, indispensible for understanding Maya and Mesoamerican thought. He has taught numerous workshops and courses internationally, including “La Ruta de la serpiente: Los gremios del comercio teotihuacano en Mesoamérica” (UNAM, 2014), “2012: The End of Time? Perception of Time Among Maya and Mesoamericans” (Netherlands, 2012), and “The K’iche’ Book of Creation and History: Popol Wuj, Its Facts, Its Interpretation” (to U.S. students in Guatemala, 2013).

    Irma Alicia Velásquez Nimatuj is a journalist, social anthropologist, and international spokeswoman who has been at the forefront in struggles for respect for indigenous cultures. An LLILAS alumna, she is the first Maya-K'iche' woman to earn a doctorate in social anthropology. An activist-scholar, she initiated the court case that made racial discrimination illegal in Guatemala. Her graduate seminar is titled Gender and Politics of Indigenous Peoples. Velásquez Nimatuj has won numerous academic fellowships and awards for her journalism, and has served in numerous leadership roles. She was executive director of the Mecanismo de Apoyo a Pueblos Indígenas Oxlajuj Tzikin (Support Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples) (2005–2013). She was a member of the Latin American Consulting Group of Indigenous Leaders for UNICEF and participates in the UN through the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. From 2014 to 2015, she served as adviser on indigenous issues for the Latin American and Caribbean office of UN Women. Velásquez Nimatuj is the author of Pueblos Indígenas: estado y lucha por tierra en Guatemala (AVANCSO 2008) and La pequeña burguesía indígena comercial de Guatemala: Desigualdades de clase, raza y género (AVANCSO-SERJUS 2002). She writes a weekly newspaper column in El Periódico de Guatemala, and through both her political and academic efforts seeks to create viable and realistic ways to advance equality for indigenous people and promote a truly democratic and participatory democracy in Guatemala.

  • Fall 2013: Pablo de Larrañaga and Magdalena Villarreal

    Pablo de Larrañaga is Professor of Law at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) in Mexico City and Director of the Program in Regulation, Infrastructure, and Development and of the LLM in administrative law and regulation at ITAM. He received a PhD in law and a diploma in European Union studies from the University of Alicante, Spain, an LLM in legal theory from the European Academy of Legal Theory in Brussels, and an LLB from ITAM. Dr. Larrañaga’s research expertise includes Mexican public law, constitutional law, regulation, globalization, and economic law. His recent publications include the book Regulación:  Técnica jurídica y razonamiento económico (Mexico City: Ed. Porrua, 2009) and the forthcoming book Metodología de la mejora regulatoria (Mexico City: Dofiscal, 2013). Dr. Larrañaga is a member of the National System of Researchers and has been a visiting scholar and researcher at a number of universities internationally, including Harvard Law School, Genoa University, Katholieke Universiteit Brussel, and Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. He will teach two courses in Fall 2013, a LLILAS graduate seminar, Latin American Market Systems, and a Law School seminar, Mexican Public Law. 

    Magdalena Villarreal is Senior Researcher and Professor at the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) Occidente in Guadalajara, Mexico. She is currently co-director of two research projects: one on poverty and aging in collaboration with the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores Occidente (ITESO) at the Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara, and one on financial practices in Mexican and Indian rural communities with the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Villarreal received a PhD in the sociology of rural development and an MSC in the management of agricultural knowledge systems from Wageningen University, The Netherlands, and a BA in history from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Her research expertise includes poverty, indigenous issues, finance and development issues, migration and human rights, social policy, and gender issues. Her recent publications include “Cashing Identities: Debt in the Non-material World of Money among Rural Mexicans,” and “Introduction. Defying Poverty: Myths of Economic Control and Power” in Paerregaard, Karsten, and Webster (eds.), The Byways of the Poor: Organizing Practices and Economic Control in the Developing World (Denmark: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2012), and a coauthored article, “About Calculations and Social Currencies: Indigenous Households’ Financial Practices in the Highlands of Chiapas.” Dr. Villarreal is a member of the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias (AMC); she has worked as a consultant internationally and was a visiting professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She will teach the graduate seminar Poverty in the Age of Financialization during Fall 2013

  • Spring 2013: Jorge Mario Sánchez Egozcue

    Jorge Mario Sánchez Egozcue holds a PhD in international economics from the Universidad de La Habana, where he has been a researcher and Professor of International Relations and Economics since 1990. He previously worked at the Centro de Estudios Hemisféricos y sobre Estados Unidos (CESEU) from 1990–2010 and has worked at the Centro de Estudios de la Economía Cubana (CEEC) since 2010. Throughout his career, Dr. Sánchez has carried out research on the political and economic aspects of international relations between Latin America and the United States, Canada, and Europe, as well as research on the macroeconomic policies, commerce, and development of the Cuban economy. He also has worked as a specialist for the Cuban Ministries of Public Health, Basic Industry, and the Central Board of Economics. Dr. Sánchez has published numerous articles, most recently, “United States–Cuba Economic Relations: The Pending Normalization,” which was featured in the book Debating U.S.-Cuban Relations, published in 2012. He has served as a visiting professor and visiting researcher at numerous universities across the globe, including Harvard, Columbia, Georgetown, and American universities in the U.S.; the Université de Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle in France; Trent, Hamilton, and Carleton universities in Canada; and El Colegio de México and the Universidad de Guadalajara in Mexico. During his visit to UT, Dr. Sánchez will teach the graduate class Latin American Economics and Development.

  • Fall 2012: Teófilo Altamirano

    Teófilo Altamirano, who holds PhDs in anthropology from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima, Peru, and the University of Durham in England, has been Professor of Social Science at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru since 1989. Throughout his career, Dr. Altamirano has carried out research on emigration from the Andean region, Andean migrants in the United States and Europe, and conditions of urban poverty and inequality. His most recent research on climate change and migration provides a framework for understanding the consequences of climate change in the most vulnerable rural and urban areas of Latin America. Dr. Altamirano also has worked as a consultant to the World Bank and the International Organization for Migration on issues of internal migration and development in Andean countries, the Peruvian international migrant profile, and indigenous populations in Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, and Bolivia. He has published thirteen books, his most recent Refugiados ambientales: Cambio climatico y desplazamiento humano, published in 2012 by CISEPA-UNFPA.  Dr. Altamirano has served as a visiting professor and visiting researcher at numerous universities across the globe, including Oxford University, the University of Winnipeg in Canada, the Universidad del País Vasco in Spain, the University of Florida and the University of Arkansas (both as Fulbright visiting professor), and the University of Michigan. Dr. Altamirano is fluent in English, Spanish, and Quechua. During his visit to UT, he will teach the graduate class Climate Change and Migration.

  • Fall 2011: Juan Darío Restrepo

    Juan Darío Restrepo holds a PhD from the Marine Science Program at the University of South Carolina. In his work since then, he has continued to carry out research on the environmental oceanography of deltas, estuaries, and coastal lagoons waters, especially on the factors controlling water discharge, sediment load, and dissolved load to the ocean from the Pacific and Caribbean rivers of Colombia. His research focuses on improving the understanding of the natural and anthropogenic causes affecting denudation rates and sediment transport to the Caribbean Sea from the largest fluvial system of Colombia, the Magdalena River. Dr. Restrepo has been head of the Magdalena River Science Initiative in Colombia and is currently a full Professor of Geological Sciences at EAFIT University, Colombia. He has been involved as a resource scientist for the sub-programs of LOICZ-IGBP Basins, SAmBas (South American Basins), and CariBas (Caribbean Basins), and also as a member of the Scientific Steering Committees of LOICZ-IGBP and Colciencias (Colombia) in the Marine Science Program. Dr. Restropo is a coauthor of the Coastal Communities and Systems and Caribbean Assessment chapters of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) and a visiting professor of the European Union in the master's program Water and Coastal Management. He is also a visiting scientist at the University of Colorado at Boulder (2009–2011), and a consultant of the International Water Project (United Nations University and Global Environmental Fund, GEF). During his visit to UT, he will teach the class Environmental Data Analysis: Applications in Latin America.

  • Spring 2011: Jacinto Rodríguez

    Jacinto Rodríguez received his MA in Spanish American literature from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in 2000. A practicing journalist who has gained a national reputation for his writing on Mexican politics and the press, he currently works as coordinator of the program Prensa y Democracia at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, where he lectures on journalist rights, the press and politics in Mexico, and the role of Mexican intelligence in Mexico’s dirty war of the 1960s and 1970s. He has written for such newspapers and magazines as El Universal, Emeequis, Milenio, and Proceso and is the author most recently of the books La otra guerra secreta: Los archivos prohibidos de la prensa y el poder and Las nóminas secretas de gobernación: Una investigación sobre los aparatos de inteligencia en los años de guerra sucia en México. During spring 2011, he will teach the graduate seminar Secret Relationships: The Press and Political Power in Mexico.

  • Fall 2009: Francisco Thoumi

    Francisco Thoumi received a PhD in economics from the University of Minnesota and an BA from the Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia. After working for several decades on international trade, Latin American integration, and economic development and industrialization, he began focusing his research on drugs to better understand what was taking place in the Andean countries. He uses a multidisciplinary approach as a basis for policy analysis. Dr. Thoumi’s main research has been on the competitive advantage of coca- and poppy-growing countries. He has worked on the issue of drugs in Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. During 1999–2000, he was a Research Coordinator for the UN Program Against Money Laundering and also coordinated publication of the World Drug Report, 2000. His outstanding research has been funded by the UN Research Institute for Social Development, UNDP, and the Open Society Institute. During his fall 2009 visit, Dr. Thoumi taught the course Political Economy and Social Problems of Illegal Drugs in the Andes (and Other Countries): A Multidisciplinary Approach.

  • Spring 2009: Rafael Rojas

    Rafael Rojas, a specialist in Cuban intellectual history, holds a PhD in history from El Colegio de México as well as degrees from the Universidad de La Habana and UNAM in Mexico. He has published thirteen single-author books, among them Cuban Intellectual History, Cuba mexicana: Historia de una anexión, and La política de adiós, as well as numerous articles and book chapters covering the nineteenth century to the present. Dr. Rojas is a professor at the Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas (CIDE) in Mexico City. During 2007, he was a visiting professor at both Princeton and Columbia University.

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