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Frances Karttunen



  • 2002. The Other Islanders, Parts I and II. Nantucket Historical Association Eprint Online Archive.
  • 1994. Between Worlds: Interpreters, Guides, and Survivors. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. (Paperback 1996.)
  • 1994. Foundation Course in Nahuatl Grammar. (with R. Joe Campbell) 2 Volumes. Austin: University of Texas, Institute of Latin American Studies. (Revision. Earlier versions 1989, 1992.)
  • 1992. An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl. 2nd edition. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
  • 1989. Foundation Course in Nahuatl Grammar (first version).
  • 1987. The Art of Nahuatl Speech: The Bancroft Dialogues. (with James Lockhart). Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center, Nahuatl Studies Series 2.
  • 1985. Nahuatl and Maya in Contact with Spanish. Texas Linguistic Forum 26. Austin: University of Texas Department of Linguistics.
  • 1983. An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • 1976. Nahuatl in the Middle Years: Language Contact Phenomena in Texts of the Colonial Period. (with James Lockhart) Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.

Edited Volumes

  • 2000. Issues of Minority Peoples (with Jan-Ola Östman). Occasional Papers of the Department of General Linguistics 31. Helsinki: University of Helsinki Department of General Linguistics.
  • 1981. Nahuatl Studies in Memory of Fernando Horcasitas. Texas Linguistics Forum 18. Austin: University of Texas Department of Linguistics.
  • 1976. Papers from the Transatlantic Finnish Conference. (with Robert Harms) Texas Linguistic Forum 5. Austin: University of Texas, Department of Linguistics.


  • 2001. "Dorcas Honorable: a Much-Married Woman." In Mark Shackleton and Maarika Toivonen, eds. Roots and Renewal: Writings by Bicentennial Fulbright Professors. Helsinki: Renvall Institute: 72-76.
  • 2001. "Nahuatl." In Jane Garry and Carl Rubino, eds. Facts About the World's Languages. New York and Dublin: The H. W. Wilson Company. A New England Publishing Associates Book: 502-505.
  • 2001. "Texts from my grandmother's autograph book." In Ville Laakso, Jaakko Leino, and Jarno Raukko, eds. Postcards, Implicitness, Construction. Helsinki: Festschrift for Jan-Ola Östman: 16-22.
  • 2001. "Grammars and Dictionaries." In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures. David Carrasco, editor-in-chief. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Vol. 1: 324-326.
  • 2001. "La Malinche (Doña Marina) and 'Malinchismo'." In Encyclopedia of Mexico: History, Society, and Culture. Michael Werner, ed. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
  • 2000. "Approaching the Semimillenium: Language Contact in Latin America." In Eugene H. Casad and Thomas L. Willet, eds. Uto-Aztecan Structural, Temporal, and Geographic Perspectives: Papers in Memory of Wick R. Miller by the Friends of Uto-Aztecan. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico: Universidad de Sonora: 387-409.
  • 2000. "Interpreters Snatched from the Shore." In Edward G. Gray and Norman Fiering, eds. The Language Encounter in the Americas, 1492 to 1800. New York: Berghahn Books: 215-229.
  • 2000. "Raising the Alarm for Endangered Languages" (full version). In Issues of Minority Peoples. Occasional Papers of the Department of General Linguistics 31. Frances Karttunen and Jan-Ola Östman, eds. Helsinki: University of Helsinki Department of General Linguistics: 17-36.
  • 2000. "Apéndice: Mowentike Chalman/Los peregrinos de Chalma de Jean Charlot." In Jean Charlot: Escritos sobre arte mexicano. Peter Morse and John Charlot, eds.
  • 2000. "The Linguistic Career of Doña Luz Jiménez." In Estudios de cultura náhuatl 30: 267-274, and in Luz Jiménez. símbolo de un pueblo milenario 1897-1965 (exhibit catalogue). Mexico City: Ediciones Gernika: 121-131 (Spanish) and 151-153 (English).
  • 1999. "Biodiversity and Linguistic Diversity: Expansion and Contraction" (with Alfred W. Crosby). In Migration, Preservation, and Change. Jeffrey Kaplan, Mark Shackleton, and Maarika Toivonen, eds. Helsinki: Renvall Institute Publications 10: 7-15.
  • 1998. "Indigenous Writing as a Vehicle of Postconquest Continuity and Change in Mesoamerica." In Native Traditions in the Postconquest World. Elizabeth Hill Boone and Tom Cummins, eds. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks. 421-447.
  • 1997. "What I Might Have Been: Ella Simon (1902-1981)" in Arvot, analyysi, tulkinta [studies in honor of Professor Seikko Eskola], Marjatta Hietala, Jarmo Oikarinen, and Hannele Virtala, eds. Helsinki: Finnish Historical Society.
  • 1997. "Raising the Alarm for Endangered Languages" (précis of inaugural lecture). In Universitatis Helsingiensis: University of Helsinki Quarterly Vol. XVI: 4. 36-38.
  • 1997. "Rethinking Malinche." In Indian Women of Early Mexico. Susan Schroeder, et al., eds. University of Oklahoma Press.
  • 1996. "La contribución del trabajo de Antonio del Rincón a la lexicografía náhuatl del siglo XX" in Revista Latina de Pensamiento y Lenguaje 2.2B: 391-405.
  • 1995. "Language Death, Language Genesis, and World History" (with Alfred W. Crosby) in Journal of World History 6.2. 157-174.
  • 1995. "The Roots of Sixteenth-Century Mesoamerican Lexicography" in Cultures, Ideologies, and the Dictionary: Studies in Honor of Ladislav Zgusta. Braj B. Kachru and Henry Kahane, eds. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag. 75-88. Earlier version in Smoke and Mist: Mesoamerican Studies in Memory of Thelma Sullivan. J. Kathryn Josserand and Karen Dakin, eds. Oxford, UK: BAR. 545-558. 1987.
  • 1995. "From Courtyard to the Seat of Government: The Career of Antonio Valeriano, Nahua Colleague of Bernardino de Sahagún" in Amerindia 19/20: La "decouverte" des langues et des écritures d'Amérique. 113-120.
  • 1995. "Cuicapixqueh: Antonio Valeriano, Juan Bautista de Pomar, and Nahuatl Poetry" in Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 11.1. 4-20.
  • 1994. "Antonio Valeriano (ca. 1531-1605)" in Brick: A Journal of Reviews 48. 70-73.
  • 1993. "Pitch Tone and the 'Saltillo' in Modern and Ancient Nahuatl by Benjamin Lee Whorf, Edited with Commentary and Annotations, by Lyle Campbell and Frances Karttunen." In International Journal of American Linguistics 59:2. 163-220.
  • 1992. "After the Conquest: The Survival of Indigenous Patterns of Life and Belief." In Journal of World History. 3.2. 239-256.
  • 1991. "Nahuatl." In International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. William Bright, ed. in chief. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. Vol. 3:20-21.
  • 1991. "Nahuatl Lexicography." In Dictionaries: An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography. Hausmann, Franz Josef, et al., eds. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter. 2657-2662.
  • 1991. "A Hundred Years of Milpa Alta Nahuatl." In Estudios de cultura náhuatl 21:271- 291.
  • 1990. "Conventions of Polite Speech in Nahuatl." In Estudios de cultura náhuatl 20:281- 296.
  • 1988. "In their own voice: Mesoamerican indigenous women then and now." In Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society 13.1. 2-11.
  • 1988. "Contact: The meeting of Europe and the Americas." In Texas Journal 11.1. 40-41.
  • 1987. "A reply." In International Journal of American Linguistics 53.2. 242-248.
  • 1987. "The survival of indigenous social organization and values in Mesoamerica." In Ten Years of American Studies: The Helsinki Experience. Markku Henriksson, Irene Himberg, and Jukka Tiusanen, eds. Jyväskylä, Finland: Gummerus OY.
  • 1986. "The Bancroft manuscript: the missing pages" (with James Lockhart). In Estudios de cultura náhuatl 18. 171-178.
  • 1986. "Uuden maailman alkuperäisten asukkaiden luku- ja kirjoitustaidosta" ("Indigenous New World literacy"). In Finncomindios 3/1986.
  • 1983. "Computer-assisted compilation of a Nahuatl dictionary" (with Robert Amsler). In Computers and the Humanities 17. 175-184.
  • 1982. "The dialogue of El Tepozteco and his rivals, September 1977" (with Gilka Wara Céspedes). In Tlalocan IX. 115-141.
  • 1982. "Nahuatl literacy" in The Inca and Aztec States 1400-1800: Anthropology and History. George Collier, et al., eds. New York: Academic Press. 395-417.
  • 1982. "Nahuatl lexicography" in Texas Linguistic Forum 18. 105-118.
  • 1980. "La estructura de la poesía náhuatl vista por sus variantes" (with James Lockhart). In Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl XIV. 15-64.
  • 1979. "Textos en náhuatl del siglo XVIII: un documento de Amecameca, 1746" (with James Lockhart). In Estudios de cultura Náhuatl 13. 153-175.
  • 1978. "Development of inanimate plural marking in postconquest Nahuatl." In Texas Linguistic Forum 10. 21-29.
  • 1977. "Finnish in America: A case study in monogenerational language change." In The Social Dimensions of Language Change. Ben Blount and Mary Sanches, eds. New York: Academic Press. 173-184.
  • 1977. "Even questions" (with Lauri Karttunen). In NELS VII, Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the North Eastern Linguistic Society. 115-134.
  • 1976. "Characteristics of Nahuatl resonants" (with James Lockhart). In Southwest Areal Linguistics Then and Now, Proceedings of the Fifth Southwest Areal Language and Linguistics Workshop. 1-15.
  • 1976. "Uto-Aztecan and Spanish-type dependent clauses in Nahuatl." In Papers from the Parasession on Diachronic Syntax. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 150-158.
  • 1976. "Nahuatl nasals" (with James Lockhart). In Linguistic Inquiry 7:2. 380-383.
  • 1976. "The clitic -kin/-kaan in Finnish" (with Lauri Karttunen). In Texas Linguistic Forum 5. 89-118.
  • 1975. "The syntax and pragmatics of the Finnish clitic -han." In Texas Linguistic Forum 1. 41-50.
  • 1975. "Functional constraints on Finnish syntax." In Papers from the Parasession on Functionalism. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 232-243.
  • 1974. "Phonemes, syllables, and words." In Working Papers in Linguistics of the University of Oslo. 1-26.
  • 1970. "Problems of Finnish phonology." (Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indiana University)


  • 2000. Nancy Hornberger, ed.: Indigenous Literacies of the Americas: Language Planning from the Bottom Up. New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1997. And International Journal of the Sociology of Language 132: Indigenous Language Use and Change in the Americas. Teresa L. McCarty and Ofelia Zepeda, eds. New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1998. In Ethnohistory 47.3-4: 827-831.
  • 1999. Matthew Restall: Life and Death in a Maya Community: The Ixil Testaments of the 1760s. Lancaster, CA: Labyrinthos. 1995. And Beyond Indigenous Voices: LAILA/ALILA 11th International Symposium on Latin American Indian Literatures (1994). Edited by Mary H. Preuss. Lancaster, CA: Labyrinthos. 1996. In International Journal of American Linguistics 64.4: 406-408.
  • 1999. Victoria Bricker, Eleuterio Po'ot Yah, and Ofelia Dzul de Po'ot:, A Dictionary of the Maya Language as Spoken in Hocabá, Yucatán. With a Botanical Index by Anne S. Bradburn. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. 1998. In Ethnohistory 46.3: 638-640.
  • 1999. Lisa Sousa, Stafford Poole, C.M., and James Lockhart, ed./trans.: The Story of Guadalupe: Luis Laso de la Vega's 'Huei tlamahuiçoltica' of 1649. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998. In The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History 56.2: 299-301.
  • 1999. Lyle Campbell: American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America. New York and Oxford: Oxford University. 1997. In Ethnohistory 46.1: 185-187.
  • 1999. Fray Bernardino de Sahagún: Primeros Memoriales. Paleography of Nahuatl text and English translation by Thelma D. Sullivan. Compiled and revised, with additions, by H. B. Nicholson et al. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997. For Hispanic American Historical Review.
  • 1997. Wilhelm von Humboldt: Mexikanische Grammatik: Mit einer Einleitung und Kommentar (Manfred Ringmacher, ed.). In Studies in Language 21.2: 456-460.
  • 1997. Albert J. Schütz: The Voices of Eden: A History of Hawaiian Language Studies. In Journal of World History 8.1: 176-177.
  • 1996. Songs Beyond the Kalevala: Transformations of Oral Poetry and The Great Bear: A Thematic Anthology of Oral Poetry in the Finno-Ugric Languages. In American Anthropologist 98.2: 413-415.
  • 1996. James Lockhart: We People Here: Nahuatl Accounts of the Conquest of Mexico. In Hispanic American Historical Review 76.3. 555-556.
  • 1995. "Mesoamerican Languages and Colonization," review article of Arthur J.O. Anderson (transl.): Bernardino de Sahagún's Psalmodia Christiana (Christian Psalmody); Joyce Marcus: Mesoamerican Writing Systems: Propaganda, Myth and History in Four Ancient Civilizations; Judith Maxwell and Craig Hanson, Of the Manners of Speaking the Old Ones Had: The Metaphors of Andrés de Olmos in the TULAL Manuscript; and Robert Patch. Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan, 1648-1812. In Colonial Latin American Review 4.1. 203-216.
  • 1995. Elizabeth Boone and Walter Mignolo, eds.: Writing Without Words: Alternative Literacies I Mesoamerica and the Andes. Durham: Duke University Press. 1994. In Hispanic American Research Review 75. 257-258.
  • 1995. Ross Parmenter: Lienzo de Tulancingo. In Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 11.1. 73-75.
  • 1995. Margaret Connell Szasz: Between Indian and White Worlds: The Cultural Broker. In The Western Historical Quarterly 26.2. 221-222.
  • 1995. Mary Louise Pratt: Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation. On-line review on H-World, the World History List on Internet, February 9, 1995.
  • 1995. Leanne Hinton: Flutes of Fire: Essays on California Indian Languages. On-line review on H-World, the World History List on Internet, April 21, 1995.
  • 1994. John Bierhorst: History and Mythology of the Aztecs--The Codex Chimalpopoca and Codex Chimalpopoca: The Text in Nahuatl with a Glossary and Grammatical Notes. Anthropological Linguistics. In Anthropological Linguistics 33:4. 470- 473.
  • 1994. Judith Maxwell and Craig Hanson: Of the Manners of Speaking That the Old Ones Had: The Metaphors of Andrés de Olmos in the TULAL Manuscript. In Ethnohistory 41:3. 490-492.
  • 1994. Philip P. Boucher: Cannibal Encounters: Europeans and Island Caribs, 1492-1763. Journal of World History 5:2. 358-361.
  • 1994. Durán, Gloria. Malinche: Slave Princess of Cortez. Shoe String Press, a Linnett Book. In The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas Newsletter XIII:3:10-11.
  • 1993. Miguel León-Portilla: The Aztec Image of Self and Society and Susan Gillespie: The Aztec Kings. In Latin American Indian Literatures Journal. 9:2. 85-92.
  • 1993. Miguel León-Portilla: Fifteen Poets of the Aztec World. In Hispanic American Research Review 73:4. 681-682.
  • 1993. Andrew Chesterman: On Definiteness: A Study with Special Reference to English and Finnish. In Nordic Journal of Linguistics 16:1. 47-49.
  • 1993. Bruce Mannheim: The Language of the Inka since the European Invasion. In American Anthropologist 94.2. 467-468.
  • 1993. Eduard Seler: Collected Works in Mesoamerican Linguistics and Archaeology. Vol. I. In Hispanic American Historical Review 71.4. 879-880.
  • 1993. John Weeks: Mesoamerican Ethnohistory in United States Libraries: Reconstruction of the William E. Gates Collection of Historical and Linguistic Materials. In Hispanic American Historical Review 71.4. 879-880.
  • 1993. Richard Lee Marks: Cortés: The Great Adventurer and the Fate of Aztec Mexico. In Boston Globe, October 3, 1993.
  • 1991. Ascensión H. de León-Portilla: Tepuztlahcuilolli, Impresos en Náhuatl: Historia y Bibliografía. In International Journal of American Linguistics 57.4. 523-525.
  • 1987. John Bierhorst: Cantares Mexicanos: Songs of the Aztecs and A Nahuatl-English Dictionary and Concordance to the Cantares Mexicanos with an Analytical Transcription and Grammatical Notes. In Language 63.2. 442-443.
  • 1987. R. Joe Campbell: A Morphological Dictionary of Classical Nahuatl: Index to the Vocabulario en lengua mexicana y castellana of Fray Alonso de Molina. In Language 63.2. 443-444.
  • 1987. Alan R. and Pamela E. Sandstrom: Traditional Papermaking and Paper Cult Figures of Mexico. In International Journal of American Linguistics 53.4. 446-449.
  • 1985. Jorge Suárez: The Mesoamerican Indian Languages. In South Eastern Latin Americanist XXVIII:4. 27-28.
  • 1982. Michel Launey: Introduction à la Langue et à la Litteráture Aztèques. In International Journal of American Linguistics 48.1. 101-105.
  • 1976. J. Richard Andrews: Introduction to Classical Nahuatl. In Language 42.4. 998-1001.
  • 1976. Arthur J. O. Anderson: Rules of the Aztec Language. In International Journal of American Linguistics 42.2. 168-169.

See Curriculum Vitae