Online Giving: At the UT Online Giving secure website you may use American Express, Discover, Master Card or Visa to make an electronic one-time gift or divide your annual gift into two, four or twelve monthly payments.
- In the search bar, enter Latina/o Studies.
- Enter the gift amount.
- In the Gift Comments section indicate Latino Research Institute during the check-out process.
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To Give by Check, or Credit Card Gifts by US Mail:
If you would like to make a gift, please mail your pledge to:
University Development Office 1 University Station Mail Stop A3000 Austin, TX 78712
Three Units. One Mission.
Latino Studies is a powerhouse of Latinx thought and advocacy encompassing three units at The University of Texas at Austin. The Center for Mexican American Studies supports students, faculty affiliates and community members through research projects, outreach and public events. The Department of Mexican American and Latina/o Studies offers interdisciplinary academic courses that challenge traditional narratives through emboldened scholarship. The Latino Research Institute generates knowledge through research and supports the cultivation of future leaders through its educational programs. Together we are fiercely committed to the empowerment of students, scholars, and communities for the purpose of realizing our full potential.