College of Liberal Arts
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College of Liberal Arts

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LRI Access Program

College of Liberal ArtsLRI Access Program

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The Latino Research Institute will not issue calls for applications for the 2024-2025 academic year.

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College of Liberal Arts

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The LRI Access Program is a year-long research education program designed to prepare UT undergraduates for graduate programs in the health sciences, education, social work, or public health. Students collaborate all year with a UT faculty mentor to develop a research project aligned with the student’s interests and the faculty’s current research. In addition to research experience, students develop professional skills and join a scholarly community by participating in workshops and events.

Students commit to the following:

  • Work 10 hours per week on the research project under the guidance of the faculty mentor
  • Participate in 2 skills-building and 2 graduate program workshops
  • Present final research product at the LRI Research Symposium

Program Benefits and Activities

  • Conduct research with a faculty mentor on campus
  • Engage in professional development opportunities
  • Enhance your academic preparation
  • Receive training in research areas covered by faculty mentors, abstract and poster development, and other topics
  • $750 per semester to cover cost of supplies and travel related expenses

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