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Y Living

College of Liberal Arts

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Project Summary:

The Y Living project, funded by the Cancer Research Prevention Institute of Texas (CPRIT), is testing a community-based program that builds healthy lifestyles to reduce cancer risk. The evidence-based, 12-week program, known as “Y Living,” uses a community-based, family-focused approach to promote physical activity, a balanced diet and increased awareness of a healthy lifestyle on cancer risk reduction. The program provides health education to YMCA members and uses text messages to enroll and motivate participants.

Key words: Latino, urban, family-focused, development, cancer prevention, nutrition, physical activity, mental health

Project Details:

Principal Investigator: Deborah Parra-Medina, Ph.D.
Project title: Y Living: A healthy lifestyle program for cancer prevention and risk reduction (PP110187)
Funder: Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas
Collaborators: Laura Esparza, Institute for Health Promotion Research at The UT Health Science Center; Laura Zepeda, Institute for Health Promotion Research at The UT Health Science.
Project period: 2011-2013
Location: San Antonio, Texas

Project Summary:

The Y Living project, funded by the Cancer Research Prevention Institute of Texas (CPRIT), is testing a community-based program that builds healthy lifestyles to reduce cancer risk. The evidence-based, 12-week program, known as “Y Living,” uses a community-based, family-focused approach to promote physical activity, a balanced diet and increased awareness of a healthy lifestyle on cancer risk reduction. The program provides health education to YMCA members and uses text messages to enroll and motivate participants.

Key words: Latino, urban, family-focused, development, cancer prevention, nutrition, physical activity, mental health

Project Details:

Principal Investigator: Deborah Parra-Medina
Project title: Y Living: A healthy lifestyle program for cancer prevention and risk reduction (PP110187)
Funder: Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas
Collaborators: Laura Esparza, IHPR at The UT Health Science Center; Laura Zepeda, IHPR at The UT Health Science Center
Project period: 2011-2013
Location: San Antonio, Texas