MMUF Program

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The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program (MMUF) is the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s initiative to expand access to the professoriate in higher education. MMUF is committed to supporting the values of multivocality in the humanities and related disciplines. Established in 1988 with an initial cohort of eight member institutions, the program has grown to include forty-seven member schools and three consortia including the UNCF consortium of historically black colleges and universities. MMUF, so far, has had over 5,000 students selected as fellows, more than 1,000 of whom have earned their PhD and over 500 of whom are professors. The great majority of those who have completed the PhD hold or have held an appointment in the academy.
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MMUF at a glance

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Mellon Alumni Spotlight
“My participation in the MMUF program at UT was truly exceptional. The connections formed with my fellow scholars from different cohorts were a standout feature during my time in the program. These overlapping groups managed to establish a profound sense of rapport, which developed over the duration of my involvement and left a lasting impact.
One noteworthy aspect of the MMUF program was its strong focus on professional development. The program proved instrumental in equipping me with vital skills necessary for both my academic pursuits and future career.”
—Jesus Adolfo Hermsillo, PhD Student in Linguistics at Stanford University (BA in Linguistics, 2020)