Mexican American and Latina/o Studies | College of Liberal Arts
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Deadline: February 15 at 5:00pm CST
Application: Download Application Form Here (PDF)

Submit Application Materials to:  Dr. Tina Thomas, UT Austin MMUF Director 
Questions:  Dr. Tina Thomas, UT Austin MMUF Director

Application Checklist: 

  • MMUF Application Form 
  • Essays 
    • 1) An essay on one of the following topics (2 pages, double-spaced, 1” margins):
      • Your academic interests, the area you plan to study in depth, and why.
      • A situation when you felt like a scholar: What intellectual experience or scholarly discovery inspired you?
    • 2) A personal essay relating your academic and career goals to the legacy of Dr. Benjamin E. Mays (1 page, double-spaced, 1” margins). This essay should also describe activities that demonstrate your ability to take responsibility, work independently, and show initiative or perseverance. For Dr. May’s biography and bibliographic references, please visit the MMUF webpage: .
  • Resume highlighting your academic and extracurricular activities, research experience, and any honors or awards you have received.
  • Letter of Recommendation from the prospective mentor. Recommenders may submit their letters directly to Dr. Tina Thomas, UT-Austin MMUF Director ( 
  • Signed Sharing Private Information Waiver 
    • The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation monitors the progress of the students who are awarded funding in order to determine the effects of the fellowship. They will request that UT Austin provide information about each participant’s pre- UT Austin schooling and test scores, UT Austin academic record, and financial aid information. Any reporting of the data by the Mellon Foundation will be in the aggregate with no reference to specific individuals. By signing the waiver, students indicate that they will provide the requested information, and that UT Austin may release information about them from its records to the Mellon Foundation.