College of Liberal Arts
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New Generations Conference

College of Liberal Arts

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The Center for Middle Eastern Studies and the Department of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Texas at Austin are delighted to announce the 14th Annual Graduate Student Conference, New Generations (Jil Jadid). We invite applicants from all disciplines researching various topics relating to the study of the Middle East, North Africa, and the Islamicate world, broadly defined. Interdisciplinary approaches are welcome. New Generations aims to provide an accessible forum for young scholars, spread across a variety of disciplines and fields to come together, share ideas and research, and discuss the future of research on the Middle East. Against the background of changing modes of knowledge production, this year’s theme encourages researchers to rethink consolidated methods within Middle Eastern Studies disciplines.

The 2025 New Generations conference is being organized by PhD students Saghar Bozorgi, Jens Inden, and Pouya Nekoeui, and will take place April 1-2, 2025 at The University of Texas at Austin. The conference will feature a keynote address delivered on Tues Apr 1 by Dr. Alexander Key (Stanford University).

Call for Papers for 2025 Conference

Topics: Applicants are welcome to present papers treating topics in the languages, histories, politics, religions, and literatures of the region, from any period. In addition to original research, we will also consider state-of-the-field papers that provide a focused overview of a specific subfield and propose new research prospects in the chosen area. Papers to be presented at other conferences are likewise accepted, as New Generations is an ideal venue for students to further develop and refine their research.

Abstracts: Current graduate students and recent graduates of master’s and doctoral programs may submit abstracts not exceeding 250 words to no later than February 21, 2025. Abstracts should not include identifying information on the abstract itself (i.e. no first or last name in the header). You must, however, indicate the highest degree you have obtained and your current position (e.g. M.A., Graduate Student, etc.) in your email. Only submissions from current or recent graduate students will be considered. Limited funds are available to defray the cost of in-person attendance. Please indicate in your email if you would like to apply for travel funds (to be reimbursed following the conference in April). Questions may be directed to