College of Liberal Arts
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Degree Requirements

The Master's graduate program has sustained a consistent level of attention to the breadth of study of the Middle East. The MA in Middle Eastern Studies (degree code 668000) is an interdisciplinary academic degree designed to broaden and deepen the student’s knowledge of the languages and cultures of the Middle East.

CMES offers degree programs that promote global competence, in-depth knowledge, and professional expertise among MA students. Our program offers a comprehensive, comparative, interdisciplinary approach to Middle Eastern Studies, bridging the Colleges of Liberal Arts, Law, Communication, Business, and Education, and the School of Public Affairs. Graduate MES courses are regularly cross-listed with departments and programs within these schools, and our MA students work on their theses and reports with affiliate faculty from across the university. CMES has 74 faculty affiliates housed in 15 departments and centers administered across five professional schools and colleges (including the School of Law, the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, the School of Information, and the College of Education). Ensuring breadth in the MES graduate curriculum, CMES affiliated faculty consistently offer courses in their respective areas of expertise in relation to the Middle East region. Their courses originate in diverse fields, including art history, Asian studies, history, sociology, government, anthropology, and religious studies.

Please note that in addition to the coursework requirements listed below, all CMES MA students are required to attend the Proseminar (MES 097, 0-credit) during their first semester in the program. The Proseminar meets once a week for one hour in the MES Reading Room, and is an opportunity for new students to meet a different CMES faculty member each week, become familiar with the areas of research our faculty are engaged in, and also get to know each other and start building a sense of community among the entering cohort.

Master's with Thesis (30 hours)◊

4 courses
(12 credits)

MES Graduate Seminars

2 courses
(6 credits)

Intermediate to Advanced Language Courses*

2 courses
(6 credits)

courses specific to the methods or theories relevant to the student’s disciplinary focus, approved by the Graduate Adviser

2 courses
(6 credits)

Master's Thesis; taken sequentially 


1 course
(0 credit)

Proseminar; taken first semester

Master's with Report (33 hours)◊

5 courses
(15 credits)

MES Graduate Seminars

2 courses
(6 credits)

Intermediate to Advanced Language Courses*

3 courses
(9 credits)

courses specific to the methods or theories relevant to the student’s disciplinary focus, approved by the Graduate Adviser

1 course
(3 credits)

Master's Report; taken the last semester

1 course
(0 credit)

Proseminar; taken first semester

◊ All students must maintain a minimum 3.50 GPA in order to remain in good standing

* Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, or Turkish


We do not offer an accelerated track; the Master's degree is expected to be completed within two academic years (21 months).♦

Fall 1

  • Graduate Course
  • Graduate Course
  • Language Course
  • Proseminar

Spring 1

  • Graduate Course
  • Graduate Course
  • Language Course

Fall 2

  • Graduate Course
  • Graduate Course
  • Thesis A*

Spring 2

  • Graduate Course
  • Graduate Course
  • Thesis B / Report


  • Graduate Course
  • Graduate Course
  • Language Course
  • Proseminar
  • Graduate Course
  • Graduate Course
  • Language Course
Tab Option 3. Add body text in this space.
Tab Option 4. Add body text in this space.
Tab Option 5. Add body text in this space.
  • Graduate Course
  • Graduate Course
  • Thesis A*
  • Graduate Course
  • Graduate Course
  • Thesis B / Report
Tab Option 3. Add body text in this space.
Tab Option 4. Add body text in this space.
Tab Option 5. Add body text in this space.

* Students who pursue the Report option will substitute Thesis A with an additional Graduate Course.

♦ Dual degree students follow the same trajectory but typically complete both degrees in three years and enroll in four courses per semester. 

We encourage prospective students to read our Graduate Admissions FAQ, as many general questions are answered on our website.

For more information, please visit the Graduate Admissions section.