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Placement | CBE

College of Liberal Arts


Credit by Exam (CBE)

The Department of Middle Eastern Studies offers two types of language testing for current and incoming UT students: Placement Exams or Credit-By-Exam Evaluations.

Placement Exams


All students who have studied a Middle Eastern language at an institution other than UT or have some knowledge of the language, however little and however gained, must take a placement exam before registering for a language class.

A placement exam determines which course in the DMES language sequence is appropriate for a student, based on their current level of proficiency. Credit for courses in the sequence that a student places out of may be granted, if so desired.


  • Exercises in reading and writing.
  • Oral interview requirements vary by language; please see below for details.
  • All language exams are scheduled for three hours.
  • Participants with more advanced proficiency may finish in less time.
  • Study guides are generally not provided for the test.


The placement exam is open to any UT Austin student planning to enroll in a DMES language course in the upcoming semester. Students who completed a DMES language course at UT but did not make a C or better cannot take the placement exam as a substitute for meeting a course prerequisite. Native or heritage speakers seeking to gain credit to fulfill the language requirement for their degree are not eligible to take the placement exam (See Credit-By-Exam below).

Schedule & Sign Up

Language placement tests are offered twice a year in August and January, and consist of writing, reading, and listening exams and an oral interview (requirements vary by language, please see details below). These exams are currently offered for free. Spring 2025 placement exam information has been updated as of 1/6/25.

  • Arabic

    Language Coordinator: Dr. Olla Al-Shalchi

    The Arabic placement exam is offered twice a year in August and January before the start of classes. The exam consists of a reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar and tests the same material that we teach in our Arabic language classes during the academic year. You may check our website to see what content is covered in each semester to help you review for the exam.

    The placement exam is intended for students who are wanting to enroll in an Arabic class at UT. If you are only looking to fulfill the language requirement then you need to take the Credit by Exam (CBE) -- see below for more details.

    Fall 2025: Registration will open in summer 2025.

  • Hebrew

    Language Coordinator: Dr. Avi Blitz

    Placement and Credit by Exam: Dr. Esther Raizen

    The Hebrew placement exam helps us determine the class that would best fit your current level of Hebrew and allow you to advance your skills in the optimal manner. Students may be placed in HEB 601C, 611C, or upper-division courses. The exam, which takes about an hour, is typically offered the week before the start of the semester in August and January, and consists of a written portion and an oral interview. The exam is not graded and will not affect you in any way beyond placement. 

    Spring 2025: You may need to take a placement test if you have a background in Hebrew but did not take basic language courses such as HEB 601C/611C. If you would like to enroll in HEB 611C or HEB 346 for Spring 2025, please contact Dr. Raizen directly. Likewise, if you are planning to take a Hebrew course in the Fall of 2025 (HEB 601C or HEB 346) and have some background in Hebrew, please contact Dr. Raizen to set up an appointment in which we will determine the best placement for you.

    Native speakers or fluent heritage speakers who wish to fulfill the language requirement for their degree or just claim lower-division credit hours should NOT take the placement exam-- they should take the Credit-by Exam (see CBE below). Others who are less advanced should take the placement exam at the start of the semester in which they intend to begin language coursework. 

    Fall 2025: Registration will open in summer 2025.

  • Persian

    Language Coordinator: Dr. Babak Tabarraee

    The Persian language program holds placement exams on a rolling basis. Students wishing to sit this exam must contact Dr. Tabarraee directly to get notified about the exam location and content, and the exact timeslot for their oral interview.

  • Turkish

    Language Coordinator: Dr. Jeannette Okur

    The Turkish placement exam is offered twice a year in August and January, and consists of writing, reading & listening sections, and an oral interview. The exam is holistic in nature and there is no study guide for it. It is designed to help us determine which of our Turkish courses best fits your current communicative proficiency in Turkish and potential growth in the language.   

    Native speakers or fluent heritage speakers seeking to gain credit to fulfill the language requirement for their degree should NOT take the placement exam; they should take the Credit-by Exam (CBE) instead. However, less-advanced heritage speakers of Turkish and all others who wish to improve their communication skills in Turkish should take the placement exam at the start of the semester they intend to begin language coursework. 

    Fall 2025: Registration will open in summer 2025.

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Credit By Exam Evaluations


A credit by exam (CBE) evaluation determines which courses in the language sequence a student may claim credit for based on his/her current proficiency level. This test is only open to current UT Austin students. These evaluations are typically taken by students who wish to fulfill the language requirement or receive credit for one or more courses in the language sequence but DO NOT intend to continue their study of that language at UT. CBE credit is available for ARA 601C & 611C, HEB 601C & 611C, PRS 601C & 611C, and TUR 601C & 611C, which are the department's first-year language sequences. Students cannot claim credit for any upper-division language classes through a CBE. Study guides are not provided for the test.


  • Exercises in reading and writing
  • A short oral interview if necessary
  • Exam scheduled for three hours, though participants may finish in less time


CBE evaluations are open to any student seeking to gain credit to fulfill the language requirement for their degree. Students who are planning to enroll in a DMES language course in the future should not opt for CBE; they should take a placement exam. Students who seek CBE and later decide to enroll in a language course at UT may have to take a separate placement exam. Please email the undergraduate coordinator if this applies to you. Note: Students who are not currently enrolled at UT Austin are ineligible for this test.


CBE exams are administered by Testing and Evaluation Services (TES). TES announces exams each month on the 23rd. Please visit their website for more information and contact them with any questions. You may review test times and register with this link. The Arabic, Hebrew, and Turkish exams are administered in the fall and the the Persian CBE will take place in the spring.

  • Arabic

    Language Coordinator: Dr. Olla Al-Shalchi

    The CBE only tests material that is covered in first year Arabic. You may check our website to see what content is covered to help you review and prepare for the exam. 

    A CBE test will next be offered in Fall 2025 and will be administered by Testing and Evaluation Services (TES). Please visit their website for more information and contact them with any questions. You may review test times and register with this link

  • Hebrew

    Language Coordinator: Dr. Avi Blitz

    Placement and Credit by Exam: Dr. Esther Raizen

    The Hebrew CBE exam allows native speakers, advanced heritage speakers of Hebrew, or students with advanced training at the high-school level to earn credit by exam for lower-division Hebrew. The total of the fees for this test are $85. 

    A CBE test will next be offered in Fall 2025 and will be administered by Testing and Evaluation Services (TES). Please visit their website for more information and contact them with any questions. You may review test times and register with this link

  • Persian

    Language Coordinator: Dr. Babak Tabarraee

    The Persian CBE exam allows allows students with prior knowledge of Persian to attempt to earn credit for PRS 601C and 611C. The total of the fees for this test are $85. 

    A CBE test will be offered on Weds Mar 5 @ 8am CST and will be administered by Testing and Evaluation Services (TES). Please visit their website for more information. You may review test times and register with this link.

  • Turkish

    Language Coordinator: Dr. Jeannette Okur

    The Turkish CBE exam is offered once a year in October, and consists of writing, reading & listening sections. At the discretion of the Turkish Language Coordinator, you may also be asked to participate in an oral interview. If that is the case, the coordinator will contact you per email in the week following the CBE exam. 

    The exam is holistic in nature and there is no study guide for it. It is designed to help us determine if your current communicative proficiency in Turkish meets the proficiency level typically attained by students who complete our lower-division courses, TUR 601C and TUR 611C. Students who earn credit for both TUR 601C and TUR 611C and would like to take upper-division TUR courses should consult Dr. Okur for guidance. 

    A CBE test will next be offered in Fall 2025 and will be administered by Testing and Evaluation Services (TES). Please visit their website for more information and contact them with any questions. You may review test times and register with this link

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