![College of Liberal Arts](https://minio.la.utexas.edu/colaweb-prod/navymarine/careers/aviation/aviation.jpg)
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![College of Liberal Arts](https://minio.la.utexas.edu/colaweb-prod/navymarine/careers/aviation/airforce_pin-_navy_3141.jpg)
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Naval Aviation is renowned for the demands it places upon its aviators. The skills and concentration required to land a high performance jet on an aircraft carrier deck pitching in the black of night, or to track a submarine while flying at only a few feet above stormy seas, are linked to a solid academic background and top physical conditioning. There is more to it than that; it requires a combination of talents and dedication that many people possess, but few are challenged to use to full measure.
NROTC graduates are selected for flight training during their final year of school based on their grade point average, Aviation Selection Test Battery scores, physical fitness scores, and class standings.
Newly commissioned officers selected as Student Naval Aviators (SNAs) and Student Naval Flight Officers (SNFOs) complete a six-week air indoctrination course at Naval Aviation Schools Command, in Pensacola, FL. From there, prospective Pilots and NFOs attend primary flight training. Pilots and NFOs then request an aircraft pipeline and enter the intermediate phase of flight training, which builds upon basic flight and navigation training. The final phase is advanced naval flight training, focusing on mission specifics. After completion, Pilots and NFOs are awarded their “wings of gold” and report to their respective Fleet Replacement Squadrons (FRSs) for further training specific to their aircraft. Finally, these men and women will go out into active Navy and Marine Corps squadrons to be deployed around the world.
Naval Aviation is renowned for the demands it places upon its aviators. The skills and concentration required to land a high performance jet on an aircraft carrier deck pitching in the black of night, or to track a submarine while flying at only a few feet above stormy seas, are linked to a solid academic background and top physical conditioning. There is more to it than that; it requires a combination of talents and dedication that many people possess, but few are challenged to use to full measure.
NROTC graduates are selected for flight training during their final year of school based on their grade point average, Aviation Selection Test Battery scores, physical fitness scores, and class standings.
Newly commissioned officers selected as Student Naval Aviators (SNAs) and Student Naval Flight Officers (SNFOs) complete a six-week air indoctrination course at Naval Aviation Schools Command, in Pensacola, FL. From there, prospective Pilots and NFOs attend primary flight training. Pilots and NFOs then request an aircraft pipeline and enter the intermediate phase of flight training, which builds upon basic flight and navigation training. The final phase is advanced naval flight training, focusing on mission specifics. After completion, Pilots and NFOs are awarded their “wings of gold” and report to their respective Fleet Replacement Squadrons (FRSs) for further training specific to their aircraft. Finally, these men and women will go out into active Navy and Marine Corps squadrons to be deployed around the world.
![College of Liberal Arts](https://minio.la.utexas.edu/colaweb-prod/navymarine/careers/aviation/phjscpsx56ncph0pooykny3na1n19991.jpeg)
This caption describes the image above.
![College of Liberal Arts](https://minio.la.utexas.edu/colaweb-prod/navymarine/careers/aviation/naval-flight-officer-badge-9.gif)
This caption describes the image above.