College of Liberal Arts
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Active Duty Navy

College of Liberal Arts

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Seaman-to-Admiral Program

The Seaman-to-Admiral (STA-21) Program is the Navy’s way of providing an opportunity for enlisted personnel to earn a commission. Officer Candidates attend UT or Huston-Tillotson University year-round, working toward that commission in the warfare specialty they applied for under the STA-21 program.

The University of Texas Admissions Office is committed to providing STA-21 Selectees the opportunity to apply and earn admission within the competitive admission process. Additionally, UT NROTC will work closely with the Admissions Department such that all Navy timelines are met. Please contact the UT NROTC Unit, if you have questions regarding the admissions process for STA-21 Selectees. UT NROTC encourages all applicants to apply to another university as a backup in case you do not get accepted to UT.

For Sailors interested in the STA-21 Nuclear Program, the following majors are approved for UT.

  • Cockrell School of Engineering
    • Aerospace Engineering
    • Arechitectural Engineering
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Computer Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Petroleum Engineering
  • College of Natural Sciences
    • Mathematics
    • Chemistry
    • Physics

You can contact NETC or UTNROTC by choosing one of the methods below: