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Ph.D. Career Outcomes

  • 2023-2024: 11 Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Bassford, Andrew Gods and Other Enigmas Koons, Robert Resident Assistant Professor (Creighton University)    
    Bischoff, Steven Michael Scientific Pluralism and Semantics Dever, Josh    
    Casser, Laurenz Foundations of Pain Sainsburn, Mark/Klein, Collin Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Sheffield)    
    Engel-Hawbecker, N. L. On What’s Called For Driver, Julia/Dancy, Jonathan Visiting Assistant Professor (Oakland University MI)  
    Fillmore-Patrick, Stella Essays on the Foundations of Statistics Sarkar, Sahotra Tenure Track Assistant Professor (Arizona State University)  
    Grossman, Alexander P. Evolutionary Debunking and Disagreement Dogramaci, Sinan/Dever, Josh Ontological Engineer  (Cycorp, Inc.)   
    Learnihan-Sylvester, Brendan The Language of Plans Dever, Joshua/Kamp, Hans    
    Lee Duckkyun Conversation and the Construction of Social Reality Dever, Joshua    
    Matherne, Matthew Todd The Value of Socratic Inquiry Evans, Matthew    
    Quaranto, Anastasia How Words Do Things, and What We Can Do About It Beaver, David Postdoctoral Fellow (Yale University)  
    Quinn, Connor David Shaw Make Perception Phenomenology Again Dunlop, Katherine/Tye, Michael    
  • 2022-2023: 8 Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Armijo, Alicia Michelle A Synoptic View Of Perception And Cognition: Insights From Kant And Cognitive Science Sosa, David/Proops, Ian    
    Nader, Karim Virtual Wrongs as Fictional Wrongs: Ethics in Virtual Worlds Higgins, Kathleen Postdoctoral Fellow (Massachusetts Institute of Technology  
    Pagano, Emilie Anne The Social and the Fundamental: Groups, Structure, and Construction Koons, Rob Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Victoria) Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Vienne)
    Pincin, Taylor Lynn Priority and Explanation in Aristotle’s Metaphysics Hankinson, Jim Postdoctoral Fellow (Columbia University)  
    Rausch, Alexander Peter Rethinking the Semantics of Attitude Reports Dever, Josh    
    Vermaire, Matthew Aaron A Non-Ethics Of Belief: Theoretical Reason On Its Own Terms Dogramaci, Sinan/Sosa, David Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Glasgow) Postdoctoral Researcher (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität in Erlangen, Germany)
    Wei, Yixin Aristotle on the Role of Luck in Happiness and Virtue White, Stephen Postdoctoral Fellow (Sichuan University, China)  
    Zhang, Ju Building Trust and Gaining Autonomy: The Trust-Autonomy Puzzle in the Patient-Physician Relationship Driver, Julia/Dogramaci, Sinan Postdoctoral Fellow (Emory University)  
  • 2021-2022: 6 Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Dale, Michael T. Evolutionary Debunking Meets Evolutionary Theory Schoenfield, Miriam/Dogramaci, Sinan Postdoctoral Fellow (Eindhoven University of Technology) Tenure Track Assistant Professor (Hampton-Sydney College)
    Del Rio, Andrew Emmanuel Suspension, Coherence, and Credence Sosa, David/Dogramaci, Sinan Tenure Track Assistant Professor (George Fox University)  
    Gubka, Steven Anthony How (Not) to Manage Emotions Dogramaci, Sinan Postdoctoral Fellow (Florida Atlantic)  Postdoctoral Associate in Ethics of Technology at the Humanieies Research Center (Rice University)
    Ho, Ting Fung Kinds of Awareness Montague, Michelle/Sosa, David Postdoctoral Fellow (Duke University)  
    Jimenez Cordero, A. A Rational Empiricist Information-Based Account of Natural Kind Concepts Dever, Josh/Buchanan, Ray    
    Miller, Taylor-Grey E. Essence and Metaphysical Explanation Litland, Jon/Dever, Josh Tenure Track Assistant Professor (Brigham Young University)  
  • 2020-2021: 8 Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Andrew, James Preston Freedom, Mattering, and the Intrinsic Badness of Suffering Strawson, Galen/Montague, Michelle Texas Christian University, Adjunct  
    Blaesi, Zachary Alan Grounding the Mind-Body Problem Tye, Michael Adjunct Professor (Austin Community College)   
    Evans, Amanda Lea Loss of Control and Phenomenology in Mental Disorder Montague, Michelle Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Antwerp) Postdoctoral (McDonnell) Fellow (Washington University in St. Louis Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology Program)
    Gilani, Syeda Komal Being Someone Phillips, Stephen    
    Kahn, Amelia Ruth Essays on Ideal Norms and Non-Ideal Agents Dogramaci, Sinan Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Buffalo) Postdoctoral Fellow (Human Abilities Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Berlin)
    Pollex, Brian William Epistemic Value Dogramaci, Sinan Ontological Engineer (Enterra Solutions)  
    Schiller, Henry Ian The Ethics of Linguistic Interaction Sainsbury, Mark/Dever, Josh Postdoctoral Fellow (Washington University St. Louis) Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Sheffield)
    Trees, Hannah Casey Self-Knowledge at the Margins Dogramaci, Sinan Lecturer (University of Hawaii Maui College)  
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