College of Liberal Arts
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Course Enrollment Policies & FAQs

Department Enrollment Policies

The Department of Philosophy utliizes waitlists for all closed courses. If a class you want is closed, without a waitlist, check to see if there are open seats in a crosslisted section. Otherwise, add yourself to the waitlist for the course. Please do not approach a professor about adding a closed class; just get on the waitlist. We do not add students to closed classes.

Each semester, a number of philosophy courses are restricted to philosophy majors. Typically, the following classes have most or all of the seats restricted to majors in the initial registration period: PHL 313, PHL 321K, PHL 323K, PHL 323M, PHL 325K, PHL 323S, and PHL 332. Other courses (such as those carrying writing flags) may be restricted at the Academic Advisor's discretion. Depending on demand, we may release seats in restricted courses during the second week of early registration. We will release all and any remaining available seats by the first class day.


Prerequisites for upper-division philosophy courses vary by course. Prerequisites are strictly enforced. For other courses, check the course schedule to review the prerequisites. Many upper-division philosophy courses only have upper-division standing as a prerequisite.

6 hours of previously completed philosophy coursework: PHL 321K, 322K, 323K, 323M, 323S, 325K, 332, 329K, 329L, and 342T.

9hrs of previously completed coursework: PHL 375M


PHL 679HA, 679HB, and 379K are honor and independent study courses; phlilosophy majors must fill out an application to enroll. Visit the Honors page for more information.




When in doubt, you can email the Undergraduate Academic Advisor Michelle D. Escalante

email: about adding a class.


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