College of Liberal Arts
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The Major

Students who major in Philosophy have the considerable opportunity to design an undergraduate experience that meets their needs and interests. The major offers 15 hours of 'additional Philosophy' where students have the opportunity to explore course work in several different areas or focus on a specialized area of interest.

Many students find it possible to double major in Philosophy and in another field of study. The department welcomes such arrangements. Students with questions should contact the Academic Advisor to discuss how to incorporate another major in conjuction with the Philosphy major.


Course Sequences

The Department of Philosophy does not require its students to follow a strict sequence of courses. However, we strongly recommend students take symbolic logic [PHL 313] during their sophmore or junior year and ancient & early modern history sequence [PHL 301K or 329K and PHL 301L or 329L] during their first two years. In addition, we encourage students not to wait until their last semester to take symbolic logic or the main courses [321K, 323K, 323M, 323S, 325K, 332] as these courses fill quickly and students may have trouble getting into them, which could delay graduation.

The ancient/early modern courses do not need to be taken in chronological order (i.e., ancient before early modern), although it is recommended.


Degree Plans