Peer Advising
Plan II Mentor Program :
In an effort to ease the transition for Plan II freshmen into college life and the Plan II community, all Plan II freshmen are required to take T C 125K, Community and Connection: Perspectives on Self In/And Society, during their first fall semester. This course will be taught by our Plan II Director, Dr. Alexandra Wettlaufer. The curriculum of the course will address essential topics that reflect the values of the Plan II Program. A course description is included on the application page linked below.
As part of the course, Peer Mentors will guide a pod of 10-12 freshmen in facilitated discussions and activities to enhance the student experience of becoming part of the Plan II community. Peer mentors are experienced students who will help their pod discover amazing UT resources as well as be available as a peer and friend to answer any questions that freshmen may have about campus life as a Plan II student.
Applications for the fall 2025 semester will open soon!

Photo Credit.
Peer Mentor Application:
Eligibility for Plan II Peer Mentors:
- In Fall 2025, be a current Plan II student beyond the first year
- 3.0 cumulative UT GPA
- Required Commitment for Plan II Peer Mentors for Fall 2025:
Take T C 125K, Community/Connections: Self In/And Society, in Fall 2025. This course will be strongly encouraged for all incoming Plan II freshmen. Peer mentors will also attend, in order to be part of the dialogue and able to facilitate mentee pod meetings. T C 125K will meet on Wednesdays during Fall 2023 from 5-6pm, so peer mentors must be available at this time.
- Lead a Mentee Podof 10-12 freshmen on the alternating weeks when T C 125K does not meet. There will be a variety of times for these discussion sections, and peer mentors will be assigned based on need and their availability.
- Professional development training for mentors/group dialogue facilitation via a biweekly mentor group meeting and biweekly mentor resource assignments. Additionally, there will be a 6 hour training in August, to be scheduled based on group availability.
- Lead and/or participate in approximately three activities, such as the following, throughout the semester:
*A common reading experience
*Service project
- Time commitment will typically be 4-5 hours per week, to include any combination of the following depending on the week:
*T C 125K class meeting
*Biweekly pod group meeting, which will require prep/planning time
*Meeting individually with mentees
*Professional development via biweekly mentor group meeting or mentor resource assignment
*Additional activity such as the ones mentioned above
- Benefits for Plan II Peer Mentors
- New peer mentors will earn $12.50/hour.
- Positively impacting your Mentee Pod students.
- Gaining important skills in mentoring and leadership.
The application is now closed but for future reference, below are the application requirements:
The application requires a personal statement (max. 1 page) responding to the following prompts:
- Why do you want to be a Plan II Peer Mentor?
- Based on your T C 125K experience why do you think you will be a good fit for this position?
- What do you wish you had known during your first semester at UT?
- What do you feel is important for freshmen to know about being part of the Plan II community?
- Please provide a contact for a faculty member (name, email, working department, phone number if possible) for a professional recommendation. This contact should be able to provide a recommendation of your potential/knowledge/abilities regarding leadership, maturity, dependability, and social justice issues.
- Accordion 3Panel 3. Add body text in this space.
- Accordion 4Panel 4. Add body text in this space.
- Accordion 5Panel 5. Add body text in this space.