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These twelve Plan II Honors theses, which are among the best submitted in the academic year 2001-2002, are representative of the first-rate work done by a variety of students engaged in
different areas of research, from economics to architecture, literature to fine arts, history to religion. They are worthy of emulation by all senior thesis writers.
  • Geoffrey Baldwin. Valuing Estate Tax Deductions for Claims Against an Estate. A learned investigation into legal estate problems that have faced the courts in recent years.

  • James W. Bristow. Here to Stay: An Analysis of Love in Selected Works of George and Ira Gershwin. A remarkable two-part musical analysis and performance thesis that examines the theme of love in the works of the Gershwin brothers.

  • Alan Feld. Piensa Positivo: The Chilean-U.S. Free Trade Agreement and Private Sector Participation in the Negotiations. A wide-ranging analysis of the domestic and international pressures placed on the Chilean government as it develops in relation to larger economic powers in the global market.

  • Eric John Goepfert. The Art of Listening. A fascinating psychological and aesthetic investigation into the complex experience of audition.

  • Kimberly D. Hill. Degrees of Transformation: An Analysis of Past and Present Christian Strategies to Address Racism. A first-rate study of how Christians have tried to end racism by aiding or obstructing racism in the United States.

  • Sarah H. Juul. Tuberculosis in the Russian Federation. A splendid case study that documents, through the analysis of a single disease in a focused region, how the health of the Russians has declined since 1991.

  • Jeremy Liebman. Kritik. A penetrating documentary of a high school debater. Winner of a 2002 University Co-op/George H. Mitchell Student Achievement Award

  • Bao Pham. Parallels between the Peloponnesian War and the Cold War. A fine comparative study of two different culture’s approaches to war.

  • Ellen Barrett Schlachter. Ritual, Devotion, and Medici Patronage in Florentine Lay Brotherhoods: The “Compagnia de’ Magi” and the “Compagnia della Purificazione.” A thoroughly researched art history thesis about two confraternities in Renaissance Medicean Florence.

  • Stephen Jacob Seiler. Dental Fraud and Abuse in the Texas Medicaid Program. An engaging close examination of medical fraud, and the ethical implications of it, in Texas. Winner of the Dr. Harold M. Albert Prize for writing an outstanding thesis related to medicine

  • Christopher T. Setiawan. The Modern Context of Medical Integration: Applications of Eastern Healing Traditions to Contemporary Western Medicine. A striking cross-cultural analysis of medical theory and practice in the east and west.

  • Chamlee E. Williams. Influences and Inspirations: Five People Who Changed the Way America Cooks and Eats. A wonderful, integrated set of biographies of five intriguing and influential cooks.

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