College of Liberal Arts
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Model Theses:

  • Morgan Beckford, Plan II Honors and Music, Zola and the Story Quilt: An Opera for Children
  • Ryan Cooper, Plan II Honors, Government and Economics, The Detainee Problem: An Examination of the Outer Limits of the American Constitution
  • Daniel Friedman, Plan II Honors, English, French and Asian Cultures and Languages, Moral Matrices and Catastrophes: Politics in the Plays of Tom Stoppard
  • Joseph Raymond Kolker, Plan II Honors and History, Jewish Identities and the Politics of Remembering State Violence in Argentina
  • Samuel Kutscha, Plan II Honors and Mechanical Engineering, Road Runners: An Engineering History of the Chapparal Racecars
  • Jessica (Annabelle) Lee, Plan II Honors and Russian, Government Influence on the Mass Consciousness:  A study of Censorship by the Putin Administration of Mass Media and Literature at the Expense of Democratic Development in Russia
  • Shamekha Mannaf, Plan II Honors and Management Information Systems, The Code of Conduct's Influence on Employee Perceptions of their Organizations' Ethical Climates
  • Om James (O.J.) Neeley, Changing Tactics: The Quiet Dalliance between Pharmaceutical Companies, Lobbyists, and Medical Schools
  • Jessika Roesner, Plan II Honors and Linguistics, Reducing the Problems of Antonymy and Sparsity in Automatic Inference Rule Application
  • Rachel Spradley, Plan II Honors and Spanish, The Art ofConvivencia: Architecture and Religious Tolerance in Islamic and Early Christian Spain
  • Robert Weeks, Plan II Honors and English, Ficken und Schiessen sind ein Ding:Representations of Terrorism in German and Italian Cinema

2010 Dr. Harold M. Albert Prize for the best Plan II thesis on a medical topic:

  • Grace M. Eckoff, Plan II Honors, Biology Honors and Dean's Scholars, The Challenges and Opportunities in Tuberculosis Control from Texas to Afghanistan

Joynes Prize for exemplary creative theses:

  • Catherine Chiodo, Plan II Honors and English, Down and Out in the Raging West: Stories, Poems, Others
  • Laura Tucker, Plan II Honors and Spanish, Peyote Tourist

University Co-Op George H. Mitchell Student Awards for Academic Excellence 2009-2010 $2,000 awards:

  • Grace M. Eckoff, Plan II Honors, Biology Honors and Dean's Scholars, The Challenges and Opportunities in Tuberculosis Control from Texas to Afghanistan
  • Om James (O.J.) Neeley, Plan II Honors, Business Honors, Finance and Pre-med,  Changing Tactics: The Quiet Dalliance between Pharmaceutical Companies, Lobbyists, and Medical Schools
  • Keeley Steenson, Plan II and Radio-TV-Film, The Digital Chef:  Professionalism in Women’s Food Blogs


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