Model Theses
- Travis Townley Alexander, Reading Under the Influence: Class Fictions, Neonaturalism, and the Grotesque in Charles Bukowski's Ham on Rye
- Alice Armstrong, Science Fiction and the City of the Future: Urban Planning Through Cognitive Estrangement
- John Russell Beaumont, Relief and Recovery: The Role of Architecture and Solidarity in the 2010 Chilean Earthquake Reconstruction
- Laura Jean Binder,Porgy and Bess: Discourses of Authenticity
- Kimberly Evans, Ebola and Mathematical Modeling: Should Models be Modified to Include Culture and Politics?
- Brianna M. Guidorzi, When Expectation Does Not Meet Reality: Discordant Childbirth Narratives Among Austin-Area Women
- Annie Lord, Riparian Redemption: The Role of German River Management in the Formation of an Environmental European Community
- James (Nick) Nicholas Lovitt,Displacement by Dispossession: Foreign Investments in African Land and Why So Many Fail
- Marla Rosner, Pragmatic Imitation of Referring Expressions in Three-Year Olds
- Madeline Schlesinger, The Hadamar Trial: Inadequacies of Postwar Justice
- Kelsey Thompson, Ayn Rand vs. Ethics of Care: Capitalist Economics and Women on Welfare
- Balaji Varadhan, Foresight in Hindsight: Economists and the 2007 Financial Crisis
- Sarah Elizabeth Wilbanks, Sexual Assault and the Military Justice System
- Megan Wolfrom, Invisible Children: One Organization's Role in a Global Conflict
Albert Prize for Medical Science
Molly Jeannine Bates, Infectious: Understanding the American Anti-Vaccine Movement
Joynes Prize for Creative Writing
Lisa Siva, Ghost Stories
Lois Trice Prize for Creative Scholarship in a Thesis
Jenny Kutner, This is What We Do: Postfeminism and the Third Wave in Contemporary Women's Fiction
Patrick Naeve, William the Conqueror: A Verse History of 1066 A.D.
University Co-op/George H. Mitchell Undergraduate Student Awards for Academic Excellence
$5,000 prize - Andrew Wortham, Sikkimese Schools: Modernity in the Mountains
$2,000 prize - Hannah Waitt, The History, Development, and Future of K-Pop and the Korean Music Industry
College of Natural Sciences Dean's Honored Graduate
Nathan Abell, Plan II, Government, & Cell & Molecular Biology
Dean's Distinguished Graduates, College of Liberal Arts
- Travis Alexander, Plan II & English
- Alyssa Davis: Plan II Honors and Sociology
- Maggie Gunn: Plan II Honors and English Honors
- Katherine Kling: Plan II Honors and Anthropology
- Sam Rhea: Plan II Honors
Plan II Distinguished Graduates
- Brianna Guidorzi, Plan II & Women's and Gender Studies
- Jade Law, Plan II & pre-med
- David Liu, Plan II & Business Honors
- William Angus McLeod, Plan II & History
- Kevin Rafferty, Plan II & Aerospace Engineering
- Dana Reichman, Plan II & Middle Eastern Studies
- Natalie San Luis, Plan II & Women's and Gender Studies
- Kelsey Thompson, Plan II & Women's and Gender Studies
- Balaji Varadhan, Plan II & Economics
- Audrey White, Plan II & Religious Studies