Model Theses
- Elizabeth Barnes, Fixed Point in a Changing Age: Anxieties of Health, Empire, and Race in Twenty-First-Century Adaptations of Sherlock Holmes, Supervisor: Martin Kevorkian, English
- Aakash D. Batra, Health Systems Strengthening As An HIV/ AIDS Policy Tool: Implications for U.S. HIV/AIDS Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa, Supervisor: Dr. Joshua W. Busby, Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs
- Spindrift Beck,The Cheater: A Television Pilot and The Third Golden Age of Television: The Anti-Hero Trend and Its Influence, Supervisor: Stuart D. Kelban, Radio-Television-Film
- Jasmine A. Castellanos, Ni Putes Ni Soumises (Neither Whores Nor Submissive): The identity Quest of a French Feminist Movement, Supervisor: Hervé Picherit, French and Italian
- Lydia Crooks,Double Trouble in the Anthropocene Frameworks Matter, Supervisor: George S. Christian, English
- William Harrison Gorman,Re-Evaluating the Energy Efficiency Gap in Austin: How the Principal-Agent Problem Affects the Adoption of Efficient Technologies, Supervisor: Michael E. Webber, Mechanical Engineering
- Benjamin T. Keeler,Has the Drug War Failed?: An Economic Analysis of America's War on Drugs, Supervisor: Stephen Ryan, Economics
- Kelsey M. McKinney, Mr. University: The Life of Harry Huntt Ransom, Supervisor: Janet M. Davis, American Studies
- Tianhe "Zen" Ren, "Silence Will Choke Us": An Examination of Chinese-American Perceptions of LGBT People, Supervisor: Dr. Huaiyin Li, History and Asian Studies
- Katherine M. Sinclair, 'La Chasse aus Papillons': Myth, History, and Memory in the Penal Colony of French Guiana, Supervisor: Philippa Levine, History
Albert Prize for Medical Science
Gordon P. Watt, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in the Texas Border Region: Toward Improving Control, Supervisor: Leanne Field, Biological Sciences
Lois Trice Prize for Creative Scholarship in a Thesis
Kristen A. Moor, A Comparative Analysis of Hacktivism and Street Art As Means of Countercultural Expression, Supervisor: Elizabeth Keating, Anthropology
University Co-op/George H. Mitchell Undergraduate Student Awards for Academic Excellence
Patrick Naeve,"To Reckon the Far-Off Origins of Men": the Historical and Geographical Poetics of Beowulf, Supervisor: Dan Birkholz ($3,000)Lucy Junker,Fooling Lear: Contemporary Performance Practices of Shakespeare's King Lear in Moscow and London, Supervisor: Elizabeth Richmond-Garza, Comparative Literature ($2,000)
Casey Nice,Shakespeare and the Law: Legal Philosophy, Forensic Rhetoric, and Justice in Shakespeare's Plays, Supervisor: James N. Loehlin, English ($2,000)
Dean's Distinguished Graduates, College of Liberal Arts
- Patrick Naeve, Plan II Honors, English & History
- Andrew Wilson, Plan II Honors & History
- Laura Wright, Plan II Honors
Honorable Mention
- Yoon Hoo Lee, Plan II Honors & Latin
- Sarah Witkowski, Plan II Honors & Psychology
Plan II Distinguished Graduates
- Alexandra Arambula, Plan II Honors & Biomedical Engineering Honors
- Holland Finley, Plan II Honors & Business Honors
- Alex Fischer, Plan II Honors, Rhetoric and Writing & Philosophy
- Elyssa Klann, Plan II Honors & Psychology
- Kelsey McKinney, Plan II Honors
- Shiv Rawal, Plan II Honors & Government
Plan II Honors Volunteer of the Year
- Stephanie Morgan, Plan II Honors & Business Honors