College of Liberal Arts
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Soren Ettinger DeCou: Central Planning Innovation: Evaluating the CCP's Effect on Chinese Biological Science and Technology Development

Sirah Magali Diallo: For the Profit or the People? How Beauty Companies can Build Long-standing, Non-predatory Relationships with Black Women

Anna Catherine Duong: Community Engagement in Twenty-First Century Museums: A Case Study of the Wing Luke Museum and the Museum of Chinese in America

Bhavya Kethireddipalli: The Cost of Clothing Returns

Sophia Kontos: "European Just on Eurosong": Examining Performances of National and European Identity at the Eurovision Song Contest

JamesYudhistira Lemuel: The Sun Sets in the East: Conflicting Logics Towards School Closure in Austin, TX

Lily Kate Marchetto: U.S. Presidential Nominations: Primarily Flawed?

Sydney Kathryn Maurice: Understanding and Healing COVID-19 Vaccine Skepticism

Jacob Roffwarg: The "Free-Rider Problem" in Major League Baseball

Marisa Ayesha TiscareƱo: Urban Development and Food Insecurity in Austin: Analyzing the Impact of Historical City Policy and Development Patterns on the Food Insecurity Landscape

Luisana Cortez: Elegies Against Apathy: A Literary Examination of Mexican Necropolitics, Femicide and Narco Violence in Contemporary Poetry

Vincent Gary Cacciatore: "When almost everything you thought you knew is wrong": The Science and Mathematics of Tom Stoppard Plays