College of Liberal Arts
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The following instructions are for current/continuing UT/Plan II Honors students 

(Incoming freshmen should see Office of Financial Aid )

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College of Liberal Arts


  • All Plan II continuing scholarship applications require:
    • a cover letter or letter of request,
    • a statement of financial need and/or special circumstances, and
    • a résumé

You should prepare these three documents in advance so that you can cut and paste them into the electronic system as needed.  Most Plan II students will be able to apply for two or more scholarships and will have to cut and paste the cover letter, financial statement and résumé into multiple electronic applications.

  1. You must be registered for a minimum of 12 hours for any semester that you receive a scholarship.  Almost all of these scholarships are year-long scholarships and require full-time fall and spring registration.  You may not receive the scholarship if you are studying abroad during the fall or spring of the scholarship year unless it is a UT affiliated program and you are registered for twelve (12) or more University of Texas course hours.  In most cases, but not all, you can receive a Continuing scholarship if you also receive Plan II study abroad, research, thesis or travel funding or a Unrestricted Endowed Presidential Scholarship.

  2. Plan II Scholarship Application Submission Deadline:  The application for Fall 24/Spring 25 has closed.

  3. Plan II will notify students of scholarship awards BY EMAIL in the summer--probably in late June. Award amounts vary - but typically do not exceed 7K a year.

  4. Plan II Continuing Student scholarships (including the Plan II scholarships awarded through the Texas Exes Association and through the Office of Financial Aid) are awarded primarily on a financial need basis, although some are merit based. Plan II students who do not COMPLETE and SUBMIT both the UT OSFS Continuing Student Scholarship application and the FAFSA are limited in the number of Plan II scholarships we can award.


    In most cases, a great portion of the need requirements of the students with the most financial need are met through Federal, State and University grants and scholarships.  Therefore, the students who have UNMET need are often those who would not necessarily have qualified for any support through the FAFSA application.  Please do not skip the Plan II scholarship application process because you think that you would not qualify for assistance because of your family's income. 

    **The FAFSA application, or lack of eligibility for financial aid will not hurt your chances of a scholarship award from Plan II Honors.

Questions:  Kerry Pasquale