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Honors Housing

The Honors Living Community, comprised of four halls in the “Quad” (Andrews, Blanton,Carothers and Littlefield), houses approximately 500 students, most of whom are in one of the university’s undergraduate honors programs.

If you think that you might be interested in living in honors housing, apply for housing as soon as your entire application has been submitted as complete  Do not delay.  The date of your housing application is the first thing that determines your order in dorm choice. 

Later, after you are offered admission, choose UT Austin and pay the $200 enrollment fee, UT Housing will offer you a housing contract.  After you sign and return your housing contract, and pay your advance housing payment of $300, you’ll be able to make your housing choices online.  You housing and roommate will not be assigned until July.

Housing Application (APPLY EARLY!):

  • An applicant may apply for on-campus housing as soon as the UT Austin application process is complete.  (When the applicant sees the green "complete" button on the MyStatus site.)

  • Because housing choice order is based, first, on the date of the housing application, the earlier the application is submitted, the better.

  • Applicants should NOT wait until they receive an admission offer or until they have made their college choice decisions if they want to live on the UT Austin campus

  • The Housing application may be found at applicant's MyStatus site, under the Housing tab.

  • See Residence Hall information.

Plan II and Housing

  • Plan II Honors definitely recommends that first-year students live on-campus or as close to campus as possible if choosing a private dorm.
  • Since honors housing is shared between Plan II, Business Honors, Dean's Scholars, Liberal Arts Honors, and Engineering Honors, Plan II spaces are limited. Only about 40% of our incoming Plan II freshman class lives in honors housing. 
  • Plan II students live in every dorm on campus and also in most of the private dorms/co-ops and apartments in the campus area.
  • UT Housing will not offer a housing contract until an admitted student has paid the $200 University enrollment fee. After that fee is paid and the housing contract has been signed and returned with the $300 housing deposit, University Housing and Dining will finalize housing contracts based on date order of when the housing application was made. So your application date and decision date are what affect your likelihood of honors housing.
  • If a Plan II Honors student (or any honors student) wants to live in the honors quad with a specific roommate, that roommate will need to be an honors student as well. Our housing portal allows only honors students to self-select Honors Quad rooms during honors room selection in June. If an honors student is mutually confirmed with a non-honors student, the housing portal won’t allow either student to select a room in the Honors Quad during room selection. Although non-honors students live in the Honors Quad when there's available space after student room selection, UHD can't guarantee those extra spaces will be available.
  • Final residence hall and roommate assignments are announced in June.  

Honors or Non-Honors Housing

Honors housing is certainly a terrific option, but by NO means the only good housing option on- or off-campus. Although there may be more of a “community” feel in the honors quad, Plan II offers other ways for students to find a “sense of community” (common rooms, student organizations, Voltaire's Coffees, the Plan II student volunteer groups and Plan II drama, poetry, engineering, pre-law, pre-med, and business groups, parties, etc.). The mixers, lectures, field trips and other events are open to all honors students, whether they live in the honors dorms or elsewhere.

The honors residence halls are actually a little noiser than many other dorms--especially when compared to Duren or San Jacinto, which have private bathrooms.  The honors residences tend to be very communal.

Off-Campus Housing

UHD only has information about on campus residence halls, 2400 Nueces, and the university apartments (Brackenridge, Gateway, and Colorado). If a student is interested in non-UT housing, please refer to