Peer Mentor Program

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The first semester of college carries with it its own unique set of challenges for Plan II students. Balancing double majors, exploring extracurricular opportunities, and getting to know Austin is a lot easier when you have someone who has been where you are that you can turn to for advice. The Plan II Peer Mentor Program is our answer to those challenges. In this program, incoming Plan II Students are matched with an experienced Plan II student mentor and a small "Pod” of fellow incoming Plan II students. This Pod Mentor will be a guide to campus life and a resource to answer questions--big and small!
Pods get together at least four times during the fall semester to learn more about the UT community as a Pod. Pod Mentors and their Pod plan at least one UT excursion, attend one Plan II community event, venture somewhere off campus (but nearby and convenient for all Pod members), and get together at least once to just chill – that can mean anything from coffee at Medici’s to a game night on campus.
Incoming students will learn more about the Pod pairing process during summer orientation.