Plan II Honors Program | College of Liberal Arts
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Student Profile: Ben

College of Liberal Arts

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Ben Eisler
Plan II & Marketing
Minor in Entrepreneurship
Class of 2023

Hi, my name is Ben Eisler, and I’m a senior majoring in Plan II and Marketing with a minor in Entrepreneurship. At UT, I’ve been involved in UT’s chapter of the American Marketing Association (2021-22 President), the Undergraduate Business Council (TALKs Speaker Series chair), and the Plan II Director’s Student Advisory Council.

Plan II was a key factor in my decision to attend UT. Joining Plan II helped me feel like I belonged (I’m from Maryland and didn’t know anyone in my grade at UT). At a large school like UT, it was reassuring to have my Plan II professors know the entire class personally. I loved my World Lit Class; the professor was engaging, helped me take my writing skills to the next level, and even invited our entire class to her apartment for lunch. I also liked living in the Honors quad, directly across from my class in the Joynes room.

Beyond World Lit, I’ve had the opportunity to take several interesting courses, including a Junior Seminar on National Security and Intelligence, where I met a former CIA director, and a narrative writing seminar where I gained experience writing in a variety of literary genres.

Plan II has also helped me stand out while recruiting for internships and jobs. I was able to differentiate myself in interviews by describing my involvement in Plan II, and demonstrating my intellectual curiosity and writing skills.

Plan II has been a pivotal part of college experience and affirmed that I made the right decision coming to UT from out-of-state. I highly recommend Plan II for anyone looking to join a community and challenge themselves at UT.