College of Liberal Arts
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College of Liberal Arts

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The Irma Rangel Public Policy Institute, a research unit in the Department of Government at UT Austin, focuses on public policy issues salient to the State of Texas. The Institute has supported research on topics such as education, migration, law enforcement, voting and elections, naturalization and citizenship, ethnic relations, food policy, welfare reform, the military and society, language policy, access to information technology, and economic development. Although our research has covered a wide range of subjects over the last two decades, the Institute is particularly interested in issues relevant to the growing Latino/Hispanic population.

The Institute provides unique opportunities for graduate students to acquire hands-on experience in conducting policy research. In addition to the projects we initiate, students work on collaborative projects with other UT units. We also facilitate graduate student collaboration with faculty members and award research grants to graduate students for doctoral and other research. The Institute also supports faculty research consistent with its mission and has worked with faculty at other universities in Texas, such as Texas A&M University, the University of Texas-Pan American, and the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Irma Rangel

We are proud to help advance the legacy of Irma Rangel, who in 1976 became the first Latina elected to the Texas Legislature. Throughout her career as a teacher, trailblazing lawyer, and State Representative, Rangel understood the importance of education and fought her entire life for educational opportunities, justice, and equality for all. 

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College of Liberal Arts

Contact Us

Irma Rangel Public Policy Institute

The University of Texas at Austin

Mailcode A1800, Austin, TX 78712

Department Chair

David Leal
