PRC Friday Seminars
Fall 2023 Friday Seminar organizer: Shannon Cavanagh
Spring 2024 Friday Seminar organizer: Bridget Goosby
Fall 2022 Schedule
Friday Seminar talks are held from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. virtually.
9/2/22: Brea Perry, Indiana University, "Aging and the social brain: The role of social networks in Alzheimer’s disease."
9/9/22: PRC Parenting and Family Faculty Showcase, UT Austin
9/16/22: Sarah Hayford, Ohio State University, "Models of Parenting among Childless Young Adults."
9/23/22: Jessica Gipson, UCLA, PRC Visit Scholar, "The Omission of Men in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research."
9/30/22: Phillip Schnarrs, UT Austin
10/7/22: PRC Biosocial Faculty Showcase, Lauren Gaydosh, UT Austin
10/14/22: Dean Spears, UT Austin
10/21/22: PRC Reproductive Health Faculty Showcase, Kari White, UT Austin
10/28/22: Vicki Freedman, University of Michigan, (Virtual)
11/4/22: Wendy Manning, Bowling Green State University
11/11/22: PRC Education Faculty Showcase, Jordan Conwell, Chantal Hailey, Aprile Benner, Stephen Russell, UT Austin
11/18/22: Kara Joyner, UT San Antonio
12/2/22: Sara Burgard, University of Michigan
- Spring 2022
Friday Seminar talks are held from 12 p.m. -1 p.m. virtually.
1/21/22: Elliot Tucker Drob, UT Austin, "Theoretical and Methodological Considerations in the Epidemiology of Cognitive Aging and Dementia."
1/28/22: Hannah Walker, UT Austin, "Registering Returning Citizens to Vote."
2/4/22: Michelle Phelps, University of Minnesota, "From Police Reform to Police Abolition? How Residents and Activists in Minneapolis Want to Make Black Lives Matter."
2/11/22: NO PRC FRIDAY SEMINAR - Student workshop
2/18/22: Paula Fomby, The University of Michigan
2/25/22: Kyle Dobson, UT Austin, "Transparency Statements Transform Community-Police Interactions."
3/4/22: Tyson Brown, Duke University, "Structural Racism and Health Stratification in the U.S.: Connecting Theory to Measurement."
3/11/22: NO PRC FRIDAY SEMINAR - Spring Break
3/18/22: NO PRC FRIDAY SEMINAR - Spring Break
3/25/22: Hedy Lee, Washington University in St. Louis
4/1/22: Claire Kamp Dush, University of Minnesota, "Couple Relationship Functioning and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the National Couples’ Health and Time Study."
4/15/22: NO PRC FRIDAY SEMINAR - Good Friday
4/22/22: David Harding, Berkeley
4/29/22: Corinne Rocca, The University of California San Francisco
5/6/22: Jackelyn Hwang, Stanford.
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- Fall 2021
Friday Seminar talks are held from 12 p.m. -1 p.m. virtually.
8/27/21: Liz Gershoff, UT Austin, Friday Seminar Kickoff
9/3/21: Annette Lareau, University of Pennsylvania, “The Emergent Nature of Research Using Interviews and Participant Observation: Challenges for Researchers.”
9/10/21: Sara Wakefield, Rutgers, "Sibling Criminal Legal System Involvement as a Consequential Life Experience"
9/24/21: Taylor Hargrove, UNC, CAPS co-sponsored talk, "Examining the Mental Health Consequences of Race, Skin Color, and School Context"
10/8/21: Chantal Hailey, UT Austin, "Using Experimental Data to Explore Heterogeneity in Parents’ and Students’ Racialized Assessments and Preferences for Schools"
10/22/21: Jeff Swindle, UT Austin,"Moderating International Influence: Human Rights Projects, Domestic Intermediaries, and Gender Violence in Malawi"
11/5/21: Cristina Morales, UT El Paso, "Citizenship Profiling and Latina/o Perceptions of Police Harassment"
11/12/21: Deadric Williams, University of Tennessee, "Racism and the Mechanisms Maintaining Black Families' Income Inequality"
11/19/21: Patrick Ishizuka, Washington University in St. Louis, "The Shifting Economic Correlates of Marriage among Cohabiting Couples in the United States: 1984–2013"
12/3/21: Andrew Papachristos, Northwestern University, “The Network Structure of Police Misconduct”
- Spring 2021
Friday Seminar talks are held from 12 p.m. -1 p.m. virtually.
1/22/21: Jennifer Karas Montez, Syracuse University, "U.S. State Policies, Politics, and Life Expectancy”
1/29/21: Luz Garcini, UT Health San Antonio, "Translational Science to Inform and Meet the Health Needs of Hidden and Hard-to-Reach Populations"
2/5/21: Jordan Conwell, Wisconsin-Madison, "MRS Degrees for Whom? Women's Household Economic Returns to College Quality"
2/12/21: Jennie Brand, UCLA, "Uncovering College Effect Heterogeneity"
2/19/21: Jeff Swindle, UT Austin, "Social Interventions and Intimate Partner Violence"
2/26/21: Alyasah Ali Sewell, Emory, "Negative Illness Feedbacks: The Health Consequences of Police Violence"
3/5/21: Jenny Trinitapoli, University of Chicago, "Relationship Uncertainty, Marriage Dynamics, & HIV in Balaka, Malawi"
3/26/21: Maria Arredondo, UT Austin, "What can bilinguals tell us about the developing brain? The dynamic relationship between language and attention processes"
4/9/21: Liesl Nydegger, UT Austin, "Hard-to-Reach or Hardly Reached? The “Difficulty” of Engaging Women of Color in Sexual Health Research"
4/16/21: Sharmila Rudrappa , UT Austin, "Unintended Infertility: Labor Markets, Software Workers, and Fertility Decision Making"
4/23/21: Yasmiyn Irizarry, UT Austin, "Race-Shifting in the United States: Latinxs, Skin Tone, and Ethnoracial Alignments"
4/30/21: Karen Lincoln, University of Southern California, "Biopsychosocial Risk Profiles among African American and Non-Hispanic White Adults: Findings from The Health and Retirement Study"
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- Fall 2020
Friday Seminar talks are held from 12 p.m. -1 p.m. virtually.
9/4/20: Liz Gershoff, UT Austin, Friday Seminar Kickoff
9/11/20: Stéphane Helleringer, NYU Abu Dhabi, "Measuring Excess Mortality Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Countries with Limited Death Registration"
9/18/20: Hiram Beltran-Sanchez, UCLA, "Occupation and older-age survival in Mexico"
9/25/20: Luciana Leão, Michigan University, "Optics of the State: The Politics of Making Poverty Visible in Brazil and Mexico"
10/2/20: David Yeager, UT Austin, Behavioral Science and Policy Institute Insight
10/9/20: Tiziana Leone, London School of Economics, "Depends who’s asking: interviewer effects in Demographic and Health Surveys abortion data"
10/16/20: Ernesto Amaral, Texas A&M, "Social identity and attitudes toward U.S. immigration"
10/23/20: Michael Schultz, UT Austin, "Constraints or Commitment? Insider Partners and the Mobility of Women Out of Low-Wages"
10/30/20: Emilce Santana, Texas A&M, "Examining the Causal Effect of Skin Color in Online Dating"
11/13/20: Kay Thomas, Laura Soto and Justin Michalka, UT Austin - College of Liberal Arts, "Finding and Applying for Non-Federal Funding"
11/20/20: Ernestina Coast, London School of Economics, "Adolescents, contraception and abortion-related care: a comparative study of Ethiopia, Malawi and Zambia"
12/4/20: Carmen Valdez, UT Austin, "Best Practices in Community Based Participatory Research"
- Spring 2020
1/24/20: Greg Miller, Visiting Demographer, Northwestern, "Childhood social disadvantage and physical health outcomes across the lifespan: Mechanisms and Moderators"
1/31/20: Robert Reece, UT Austin,"Coloring Weight Stigma: On Race, Colorism, Weight Stigma, and the Failure of Additive Theorization"
2/7/20: Jennifer Ahern, Berkley, "Estimation approaches for causal inference: parametric and semi-parametric estimators."
2/14/20: Javier Rodriguez, Claremont Graduate University, "Politics, health, and inequality in the United States"
2/21/20: Michael Sierra-Arevalo, Rutgers, "Peril on Patrol: Death, Danger, and U.S. Policing."
2/28/20: Christy Erving, Vanderbilt University, "Intersectionality, Stress Theory, and Black Women's Health"
3/6/20: Courtney Cogburn, Columbia, "Race, Culture and Health: Conceptual and Methodological Innovations"
3/13/20: Frauke Kreuter, Visiting Demographer, The University of Maryland, "Combining data from different sources for social statistics"
3/27/20: David Karen, Bryn Mawr College, Canceled due to COVID-19 Pandemic
4/3/20: Jayanti Owens, Brown University, Canceled due to COVID-19 Pandemic
4/17/20: Carole Joffe, University of California, San Francisco, Canceled due to COVID-19 Pandemic
5/1/20: Hedwig Lee, Visiting Demographer, Washington University St. Louis, Canceled due to COVID-19 Pandemic
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- Fall 2019
8/30/19: Debra Umberson, UT Austin, Brown Bag Kickoff
9/6/19: Diana Hernandez, Columbia, "Power to the People: Uncovering America's Hidden Energy Crisis"
9/13/19: Airín Martínez, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
9/20/19: Reuben Miller, Visiting Demographer, University of Chicago, “The Afterlife of Incarceration”
9/27/19: Joanna Pepin, UT Austin, "Economic Precarity and the Gender Revolution: Young Adults' Division of Labor in Their Future Families"
10/4/19: Julie Lane, Visiting Demographer, New York University, "Where's the Data: A New Approach to Social Science Search & Discovery"
10/11/19:No Friday Seminar
10/18/19: Amanda Pollitt, UT Austin
10/25/19:No Friday Seminar, Southern Demography - Annual Meeting
11/1/19: Fiona Conway, UT Austin, "Addiction Science and Technology Assisted Interventions"
11/8/19: Courtney Boen, Visiting Demographer, University of Pennsylvania
11/15/19: Lauren Thaxton, UT Austin
11/22/19: TBA
11/29/19:No Friday Seminar, Thanksgiving
12/6/19: PRC Holiday Lunch
- Spring 2019
2/1/19: Kelly Musick, Cornell, "His and her work and earnings following parenthood in the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom"
2/8/19: Diane Coffey, UT Austin, "Neonatal mortality and maternal health in India"
2/15/19: Rayven Plaza, UT Austin, “Modern Disintegration: Black/White Test Score Disparities and The End of School Desegregation"
2/22/19: Elizabeth Chiarello, St. Louis University, "Shared Technology, Competing Logics: How Healthcare Providers And Law Enforcement Agents Use Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs To Combat Prescription Drug Abuse"
3/1/19: Abena Mackall, UT Austin, “Adolescent Arrest and the Transition to Adulthood: Qualitative Evidence and Its Implications for Demography"
3/8/19: Shannon Cavanagh, UT Austin, "Economic Uncertainty and Love: Family Building Behaviors in Young Adulthood"
3/15/19: No Friday Seminar - SPRING BREAK & SXSW
3/22/19: No Friday Seminar - SPRING BREAK
3/29/19: John Santelli, Columbia, “Girls’ access to education and declining teen pregnancy, HIV incidence, and child marriage: 25 year trends in rural Uganda”
4/5/19: Florencia Torche, Stanford University, “Does marriage really affect children’s outcomes? Evidence from change in marital fertility over time”
4/12/19: NO BROWN BAG - PAA
4/19/19: Ellis Monk, Harvard, "Colorism and Health"
4/26/19: Bridget Goosby, UT Austin, “Racial and Ethnic Variation in Race-Related Stress Reactivity”
5/3/19: Jacob Cheadle, UT Austin, "Does Negative Emotionality Bias the Association Between Perceived Discrimination and Health?"
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- Fall 2018
8/31/18: Deb Umberson, UT Austin PRC, Fall Brown Bag Kick Off
9/7/18: Alexandra Killewald (Visiting Demographer), Harvard, "For Richer: Marriage and Wealth Accumulation"
9/14/18: Thomas DiPrete, Columbia, “School-to-Work Linkages in Comparative Perspective”
9/21/18: Kristin Turney, University of California, Irvine, "Vicarious and Contingent Consequences of Adolescent Police Exposure"
9/28/18: John Gerring, UT Austin, "Scale Effects: The Impact of Population on Politics"
10/5/18: Kelly Raley, UT Austin, "Estimating Children’s Household Instability Using Longitudinal Household Roster Data"
10/12/18: NO BROWN BAG
10/19/18: Bill Kelly, UT Austin, "From Research to Policy: Implementing Evidence-Based Criminal Justice Reform"
10/26/18: Sara Mernitz, UT Austin, "Union Formation and Mental Health during the Transition to Adulthood"
11/2/18: Matthew Andersson, Baylor, "Educational Health Disparities and Comparative Health Care: Are Disparities Wider or Narrower in High-Performing Systems?"
11/9/18: Deirdre Bloome, University of Michigan, "Educational Inequality, Educational Expansion, and Intergenerational Income Persistence in the U.S."
11/16/18: James Bart Stykes, Sam Houston State University, "Couples' Fertility Intentions and Relationship Trajectories Following the Transition to Parenthood"
11/23/18: NO BROWN BAG
11/30/18: Abby Weitzman, UT Austin, "Neighborhood Homicides and the Risk of Late Adolescent Pregnancy."
- Spring 2018
Brown Bag talks are held from noon-1PM in CLA 1.302E.
1/19/18: Leticia Marteleto, UT Austin, "Inequalities in Reproductive Health, Births and Fertility During the Zika Epidemic in Brazil"
1/26/18: Max Besbris, Rice University, ""Malleable Prices: Interaction and Income Segregation in the Housing Market"
2/2/18: Tom Vogl, Princeton, Visiting Demographer, “Differential Fertility and Population Composition”
2/9/18: Kyle Crowder, University of Washington, "The Social Drivers of Residential Stratification"
2/16/18: Arne Kalleberg, University of North Carolina, "Precarious Lives: Job Insecurity and Well-Being in Rich Democracies"
2/23/18: Rene Flores, University of Washington, “Who are the ‘Illegals’?: The Social Construction of Illegality in the U.S.”
3/2/18: Sarah Burgard, University of Michigan, Visiting Demographer, "Some College, Some Benefits? Post-Secondary Educational Attainment and Occupational Outcomes in the Early Career"
3/9/18: Frances Champagne, UT Austin, "Epigenetic Plasticity and Inheritance"
3/16/18: No Brown Bag--Spring Break
3/23/18: Beth Widen, UT Austin, “Health Consequences of Suboptimal Pregnancy Weight Gain”
3/30/18: Jason Fletcher, University of Wisconsin - Madison, "Genetic Endowments, Educational Attainment and Social Mobility"
4/6/18: No Brown Bag
4/13/18: Cheryl Rollman-Tinajero, U.S. Census Bureau and UT Austin Restricted Data Center (RDC), "RDC: What it Means to Me"
4/20/18: Veronique Dupere, University of Texas at Austin (visiting from University of Montreal), "High School Dropout in (Proximal) Context: A Stress Process, Life Course Approach"
4/27/18: No Brown Bag -- PAA Conference
5/4/18: Daniel Schneider, Berkeley, "Unstable and Unpredictable Work Schedules in Retail: Worker Wellbeing, Company Practices, and Policy Response"
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- Fall 2017
Brown Bag talks are held from noon-1PM in CLA 1.302E.
9/8/17: Adia Harvey Wingfield, Washington University, “New Economy, New Inequalities: Race and Health Care Work in a Neoliberal Era"
9/15/17: Bridget Goosby, University of Nebraska, "Discrimination, Dynamic Stress Processes, and Health Risk in the Early Life Course"
9/22/17: Hiram Beltran Sanchez, UCLA, "Developmental Origins of Health and Disease and Older Age Mortality in Latin America"
9/29/17: Deb Umberson, UT Austin PRC, "Black Deaths Matter: Race, Relationship Loss, and Effects on Survivors"
10/06/17: Rob Warren, University of Minnesota, "When Should Researchers Use Inferential Statistics When Analyzing Data on Full Populations?"
10/13/17: Sarah Moorman, Boston College, "Early Life High School Environment Predicts Cognitive Functioning 50 Years Later"
10/17/17: Susan Millea and Maureen Britton, Children's Optimal Health--Methods Talk Sponsored by UT PRC Scientific and Technical Core **note, Tuesday
10/20/17: NO BROWN BAG
10/27/17: Chris Wildeman, Cornell University, "The Long-Term Consequences of Solitary Confinement"
11/03/17: Non-Academic Job Workshop **Note, PRC and Sociology students only. Time is 11:30.
11/10/17: Robert Crosnoe, UT Austin, "Mothers, Child Care, and Media Backlash in the U.S." **note room change CLA 0.102
11/17/17: Philipp Koellinger, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam / Erasmus University, "Integrating Genetic Data into the Social Sciences"
11/24/17: NO BROWN BAG
12/01/17: Mario Small, Harvard University, “How Poor Neighborhoods Have Changed”
12/08/17: Tony Brown, Rice University, "The Salubrious Significance of Selling Out: Evidence from the Nashville Stress and Health Study"
- Spring 2017
Brown Bag talks are held from noon-1PM in CLA 1.302E.
1/20/17: Abigail Aiken, University of Texas at Austin, "Is Illegal Abortion Always Unsafe? Women's Experiences with Self-Sourced Abortion in Ireland"
1/27/17: Rashawn Ray, University of Maryland, "Police Compliance, Body Cams, and Black Lives: Racial Bias in the Criminal Justice System."
2/3/17: Mariano Sana, Vanderbilt University, "Eight Decades of Public Opinion on Refugee Admissions"
2/10/17: Scott Lynch, Duke University, "Rethinking the Role of Childhood SES in Adult Health: Integrating Existing Theories with a Life Course Perspective on the Disablement Process"
2/17/17: Junfeng Jiao, University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture, "Better Understand AirBnB Rentals with Webscraping"
2/24/17: Robert Hummer, University of North Carolina, "Leveling the Playing Field? Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Infant Mortality among Low Risk Women in the United States"
3/03/17: Sarah Brayne, University of Texas at Austin, "Policed: Surveillance and Prediction in the Age of Big Data"
3/10/17: Goleen Samari, University of Texas at Austin, "Islamophobia: The Current State of Muslim and Arab American Health"
3/24/17: Erin Lentz, University of Texas at Austin, "Complicating Narratives of Women’s Undernutrition: Domestic Violence in Rural Bangladesh"
3/31/17: Jenny Trinitapoli, University of Chicago, "A Moveable Feast: The Flexibility of Fertility Preferences in a Transitioning Malawian Community"
4/07/17: Ken-Hou Lin, University of Texas at Austin, "The Inequality Consequences of Immigration"
4/14/17: Elizabeth Ackert, University of Texas at Austin, "Educational Disadvantages among Mexican-Origin Youth: The Role of New Destinations"
4/21/17: Becca Levy, Yale School of Public Healh, "From Culture to Biomarkers: Linking Aging Self-Stereotypes to Health"* Located in POB 2.402 from 1:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M.
5/5/17: Grant Miller, Stanford Medical School, “Population Policy, Fertility Decline, and Sex Selection in China under Mao."
- Fall 2016
9/2/16: Fatima Varner, UT Department of Human Development and Family Studies, "Racial Discrimination and Parenting in African American Families" Panel 3. Add body text in this space.
9/9/16: Ling Zhu, University of Houston, "Voices from the Frontline: Network Participation and Local Hospitals' Support for the National Health Care Reform"
9/16/16: Celeste Watkins-Hayes, Northwestern University, "Remaking a Life, Reversing an Epidemic: HIV/AIDS and the Politics of Transformation"
9/23/16: Lynn Liben, Penn State University, "‘You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby’: A Developmental Psychologist’s View of Gender"
9/30/16: Maria Abascal, Brown University, "Ethnoracial Diversity and Trust, Reexamined"
10/7/16: Michael Geruso, UT Economics, "How Plans Choose Their Patients: Design-for-Discrimination in Marketplace Formularies"
10/14/16: Sergio Chavez, Rice University, "Gender, Emotion, and Migration in a Binational Social Network"
10/21/16: Sigal Alon, Tel Aviv University "Race, Class, and Affirmative Action"
10/28/16: Julie Maslowsky, UT Austin College of Education, “Adolescent Health Risk Behavior: Epidemiology, Etiology, and Prevention”
11/4/16: Anna Haskins, Cornell, “Avoiding Involvement? Paternal Incarceration and Parental Involvement in Schooling”
11/11/16: Rebeca Wong, UT Medical Branch, "Longer Life with More Cognitive Impairment: Hispanic Elderly in the U.S."
11/18/16: Mike Mueller-Smith, University of Michigan, "Punishment and (non-)Deterrence: Evidence on First-Time Drug Offenders from Regression Discontinuities"
12/2/16: Jason Schnittker, University of Pennsylvania, "The Legal Determinants of Health: The Case of Incarceration"
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